Master Piece - Convoy Sleep Mode
Welcome to the toy review, image gallery and information page for Master Piece Convoy Sleep Mode.
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Convoy Sleep Mode Profile
Convoy Sleep Mode Tech Specs
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Toys associated with Convoy Sleep Mode
The following toys are associated with Convoy Sleep Mode
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Photographs and images of Convoy Sleep Mode
There are 157 images available for this toy.
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Master Piece - Convoy Sleep Mode - Information
TakaraTomy announced their first exclusive as part of their Welcome to Transformers 2010 campaign as MP-4S, Masterpiece Convoy Sleep Mode. The toy is a black and grey recolour of Convoy based on the scene in the 1986 animated movie where he died.
Transformers Toys, Toy Galleries, Transformers Review, Toy Review, Transformers Toy Galleries, Convoy, Convoy Sleep Mode, Master Piece, , Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode, Mp-4s, Convoy, Mastrerpiece, Sleep Mode,
Master Piece - Convoy Sleep Mode - Toy Review
One of the first things you will notice is that the toy comes in a rather special packing box that contains not only the Welcome to Transformers 2010 logo on the outside but a special message when you first open the box up. You'll have to take a look at the images to find out what it says, but we suggest that anyone picking up the figure should try to get and keep these boxes as they may well become collectible in the future. Each box is also hand numbered. The toy itself contains a profile card which tells you which piece number (the figure is limited to 2010 pieces) you own, which is a nice addition.
For those who thought that the toy was just grey you were mistaken. He is actually a very dark red/brown on the chest with a very dark blue head and legs. The gallery contains comparison with the e-Hobby exclusive Convoy Black version, the original Japanese Masterpiece Convoy, MP Ultra Magnus and the Western release 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime figure.
Review written by: quartz - Review written on: Friday 23rd of April 2010 12:35:35
Other Transformers toys and figures called Convoy.
Stats: The toy "Convoy" has been used on 96 occasions out of a total of 4,032 toys within our database.

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