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Transformers News: Category - "Transformers Power Core Combiners"

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Transformers Power Core Combiners has images of the Transformers Power Core Combiner­ toys on display at Hasbro's booth at the San Diego Comic-Con.


Category: Transformers Power Core Combiners | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Thursday, 22nd July 2010 at 13:34:44 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Power Core Combiners

Many thanks to Adam for pointing out a bug, and his fix, for the Transformers Power Core Combiners Combaticons figures - in which the toys legs pop off.

 Hello TF@The Moon,

I'd like to report a problem with the Power Core Combiners sets [or at least the Combaticons], and the resultant fix. I haven't heard of this from anyone else, so perhaps it's just early days, or perhaps my toy was unique in it's fault.

With my Bombshock, I found that his combiner legs would spring off very easily, in fact, while he was being held [or even standing on his own!] his legs would slowly ease apart at the knee and the combiner drone would shoot off. This is due to the springs in the 'leg drones' being way too powerful, and the blue joint being too loose. Here's my fix:

With the grey tracked vehicle, the spring is visible towards the rear end. Simply get a drawing pin or sewing needle, and ease the arm of the spring away from the inside wall of the vehicle. The arm can then be folded away or cut off with clippers.

The yellow jeep is a bit more complex. The two pins at the front end need to be tapped out. I did this [again] with a drawing pin and a hammer. The second pin can be tapped out with the first one. This will cause the levers inside to fall down, and the spring with come out. To re-assemble, simply push the pins back inside, making sure that the black lever lines up again [easier than it sounds!].

The legs will no longer be spring loaded, but gravity and the internal levers do the job just as well, if not better! They still won't take much pulling around, as the blue pegs are simply too loose, but the won't come shooting off at the slightest touch.

I hope this helps anybody who's had a similar problem!

PS: Deluxe Generations were found in my Exeter Toymaster yesterday, priced at £9.99! Mistake, or new price point?



Category: Transformers Power Core Combiners | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Wednesday, 21st July 2010 at 15:59:48 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Power Core Combiners member davieanix has posted a sighting of the second wave of the Powercore Combiner 5-packs at a K-mart store in Geelong, Victoria, Austraila. The second wave includes Double Clutch with Rallybots and Mudslinger with Destructicons.

The Aus release means that a US release will probably happen within the next few weeks with a UK release in a month or so since the Wave 1 figures are doing the rounds at the moment.

Category: Transformers Power Core Combiners | Submitted by: quartz - on: Sunday, 18th July 2010 at 09:55:15 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Power Core Combiners The TV advert for the Transformers: Power Core Combiner figures that recently started to air in Australia and New Zealand has been posted on YouTube for everyone else to view.  You can watch the video using the plug-in below.­

Category: Transformers Power Core Combiners | Submitted by: quartz - on: Tuesday, 29th June 2010 at 19:41:26 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Power Core Combiners

TFW2005 have received reports that the Transformers Power Core Combiner 5-pack's (Aerialbots and Combaticons) and 2-packs have been spotted for sale in Australia, some 3 months prior to their scheduled release in the USA.

Also mentioned is the highly anticipated Seaspray toy, although the figure appears not to be available for sale just yet.

The Transformers Power Core Combiner line has had m­ixed reactions for fans, mainly due to the non-transforming limbs for the combiner figures.

Category: Transformers Power Core Combiners | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Friday, 21st May 2010 at 08:54:20 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Power Core CombinersWe are pleased to announced that we have received word from Hasbro UK that the Transformers Power Core Combiner line will be released here within the UK.  Previously it had been reported that Transformers Revenge of the Fallen N.E.S.T delxue figures as well as Masterpiece Grimlock would be released within the UK.

Category: Transformers Power Core Combiners | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 17th April 2010 at 19:23:34 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Power Core Combiners

KO Toys have posted new galleries of the upcoming Transformers Power Core Combiners Smolder and Bruticus figures.

You can see Smolder ­here and Bruticus here

Category: Transformers Power Core Combiners | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Wednesday, 31st March 2010 at 10:47:08 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Power Core Combiners

Thanks to Peaugh for posting a video review of the Transformers Power Core Combiners Skyburst with the Aerialbots on a YouTube video.


Category: Transformers Power Core Combiners | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Tuesday, 30th March 2010 at 13:07:57 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Power Core Combiners member Terrorcon King came across some images online (the original source is unknown but we expect to be an Asian based forum) w­hich had some news images of some of the Transformers Power Core Combiner figures.  You can view the mirrored images below along with some other recent ones taken by S250.

Smolder with Chopster
Power Core Combiner Smolder Toy ImagePower Core Combiner Smolder Toy ImagePower Core Combiner Smolder Toy ImagePower Core Combiner Smolder Toy ImagePower Core Combiner Smolder Toy ImagePower Core Combiner Chopster Toy Image


Searchlight with Backwind
Power Core Combiner searchlight Toy ImagePower Core Combiner searchlight Toy ImagePower Core Combiner searchlight Toy ImagePower Core Combiner searchlight Toy ImagePower Core Combiner searchlight Toy Image

Power Core Combiner combaticonsToy ImagePower Core Combiner combaticonsToy ImagePower Core Combiner combaticonsToy Image

Category: Transformers Power Core Combiners | Submitted by: quartz - on: Monday, 22nd March 2010 at 11:33:11 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Power Core Combiners

Hasbro have issued the following press release.


Lead New Introductions For The Innovative And Popular Toy Line

PAWTUCKET, R.I. (February 12, 2010) — On the heels of launching 2009’s largest grossing movie and in anticipation of the next installment in 2011, the TRANSFORMERS brand from Hasbro, Inc. (NYSE: HAS) ramps up the play in 2010 with new offerings that build on the energy and excitement from the brand’s history and blockbuster film franchise. Featuring over-the-top action figures, unique role-play items and innovative twists on the TRANSFORMERS brand signature play pattern, the 2010 lineup offers dozens of toys, two exciting promotions and an expansive worldwide licensing program across all major categories to satisfy and excite the brand’s ever-expanding fan base.

This spring the AUTOBOTS, the heroic protectors of Earth, need help from their human allies in the N.E.S.T. GLOBAL ALLIANCE as the planet continues to face threats from the evil DECEPTICONS. Hasbro is inviting kids and fans to join the alliance through a special promotion that is currently underway. By collecting three stickers included in specially marked TRANSFORMERS products, kids and fans can join the N.E.S.T. GLOBAL ALLIANCE and mail away for a special edition RAVAGE figure not available anywhere else. The promotion requires a payment of $4.95 for shipping and handling charges to receive the special edition figure and the offer is good while supplies last. Requests must be postmarked by April 30 and received by May 14. Then, in the fall, kids can ‘live’ the TRANSFORMERS adventure as the “Hunt for the DECEPTICONS” promotion begins. Look for exciting details about this interactive promotion later in the year.

If fans can’t wait until 2011 for the next TRANSFORMERS movie they can watch online webisodes of “Cyber Missions,” featuring new TRANSFORMERS adventures. “Cyber Missions” finds the AUTOBOTS working with humans in the N.E.S.T. global alliance to defend Earth against the revenge-seeking DECEPTICONS. There will be 12 webisodes total which began airing online at in early January and new webisodes will continue to air throughout the year.
BUMBLEBEE continues to be one of the most popular TRANSFORMERS heroes as he acts as both a defender and a warrior for good. The new BATTLE OPS BUMBLEBEE action figure continues to push the boundaries of TRANSFORMERS toy innovation and showcases two sides of BUMBLEBEE with features unique to each of these roles. For example, when serving as a guardian, BUMBLEBEE features more playful phrases along with authentic engine sounds and lights. Then, when converted into battle mode, BATTLE OPS BUMBLEBEE has missile launchers that pop out, a converting plasma cannon that lights up, and phrases that change to reflect his battle personality.

Expanding upon the essence of DEVASTATOR — a robot built by combining multiple construction vehicles — the TRANSFORMERS brand unveils the new POWER CORE COMBINERS expression that redefines the magic of combination play. The toys deliver an interchangeable system of robots, vehicles and weapons that escalates the level of fun and increases the number of robots within a child’s TRANSFORMERS toy universe.

For those wanting to engage in heroic AUTOBOT role play, the TRANSFORMERS line offers new items including the OPTIMUS PRIME CYBER SWORD toy which features lights, battle and conversion sounds, as well as key phrases from OPTIMUS PRIME.
And for the youngest AUTOBOT-in-training, the TRANSFORMERS brand unveils the new ACTIVATORS expression of action figures. Designed with the youngest TRANSFORMERS fans in mind, ACTIVATORS toys feature easier conversion from vehicle to robot modes than traditional TRANSFORMERS figures and are available in popular characters such as OPTIMUS PRIME, BUMBLEBEE and MEGATRON.
For more information about TRANSFORMERS promotions and products, consumers can visit

Highlights of new TRANSFORMERS products available in 2010 include:
(Approximate retail price: DELUXE Scale $12.99; VOYAGER Scale $19.99; Leader Scale $44.99; Ages 5 & up; Available: Spring 2010)
For more than 25 years, TRANSFORMERS action figures have been known as “ROBOTS IN DISGUISE,” providing fans with the enjoyment of converting incredibly detailed, realistically styled vehicles into awesome battling alien robots. In 2010, Hasbro is offering a wide variety of all-new versions of fan-favorite characters, including OPTIMUS PRIME, BUMBLEBEE, MEGATRON and STARSCREAM in an array of scales: DELUXE, VOYAGER (larger scale), and LEADER (largest scale and includes lights and sounds).

(Approximate retail price: $59.99; Ages 5 & up; Available: Fall 2010)
The all-new BATTLE OPS BUMBLEBEE action figure is ready for battle! This large-scale figure truly shows fans the AUTOBOT hero’s personality, both as a protector of Earth and a warrior against the evil DECEPTICONS. With two distinct modes – Battle and Guardian – BATTLE OPS BUMBLEBEE features a variety of electronic sounds and lights, accompanied by a converting plasma cannon.

The TRANSFORMERS POWER CORE COMBINERS introduce fans to an all-new assortment of figures that expand on the classic play pattern of the popular “ROBOTS IN DISGUISE.” This new expression of figures combine with one another, in dozens of variations, to create a wide variety of larger COMBINER robots, with each figure serving as various body parts and weapons. Available in 2-packs and 5-packs.

(Approximate retail price: $9.99; Ages 5 & up; Available: Fall 2010)
The TRANSFORMERS POWER CORE COMBINERS 2-Pack includes one SCOUT scale TRANSFORMERS figure and one MINI-CON scale figure. The SCOUT scale figure features a ‘robot’ mode and a ‘vehicle’ mode. The MINI-CON scale figure has four modes: ‘robot’ mode, robot weapon, vehicle weapon and Power-up Armor for combining with the central SCOUT scale figure in both robot and vehicle mode. 2-Pack figures are interchangeable with 5-Pack figures.

(Approximate retail price: $19.99; Ages 5 & up; Available: Fall 2010)
The TRANSFORMERS POWER CORE COMBINERS 5-Pack features teams of TRANSFORMERS characters that can combine together to form one large TRANSFORMERS figure. Each team consists of one SCOUT scale figure and four LEGENDS scale vehicles. The SCOUT scale figure features one ‘vehicle’ mode and two ‘robot’ modes and each of the LEGENDS scale vehicles can plug into the specially marked ports on the central SCOUT scale figure to instantaneously convert into an arm or leg using auto-conversion technology. All figures can be swapped out with one another to form multiple different combinations and new figures. 5-Pack figures are interchangeable with 2-Pack figures.

(Approximate retail price: $7.99; Ages 4 & up; Available: Spring 2010)
TRANSFORMERS ACTIVATORS toys, a new expression within the TRANSFOMERS toy line, feature conversion from vehicle to robot modes that’s easier than traditional TRANSFORMERS figures. Designed with the younger child in mind, conversion is triggered by pressing the AUTOBOT or DECEPTICON shield located on the figure and require only a few steps to fully change modes. TRANSFORMERS ACTIVATORS figures feature popular characters including BUMBLEBEE, OPTIMUS PRIME and MEGATRON.

(Approximate retail price: $19.99; Ages 4 & up; Available: Fall 2010)
The TRANSFORMERS OPTIMUS PRIME CYBER SWORD allows kids to role play just like the fearless leader of the AUTOBOTS and reenact their favorite battle scenes. Kids will enjoy its electronic lights, battle and conversion sounds, as well as key movie phrases.

(Ages 4 & Up; Approximate Retail Price: $19.99; Available: Fall 2010)
Created specifically for the ACTION FLEET TRANSFORMERS line of mini-vehicles, kids can join the adventure and help BUMBLEBEE and OPTIMUS PRIME defeat the evil MEGATRON by racing to victory with the new ACTION FLEET TRANSFORMERS BATTLE TRACK set. The glory of winning depends on your skill; launch the BUMBLEBEE mini-vehicle, exclusive to this track set, at the correct time and send it crashing into MEGATRON who will crumble in defeat. Introduced in 2009, TRANSFORMERS mini-vehicles feature the robot version of characters unique to the TRANSFORMERS universe on the underside of each non-converting vehicle for easy identification.

(Ages 4 & Up; Approximate Retail Price: $24.99; Available: Fall 2010)
Featuring electronic lights and sounds, motorized conversions and firing projectiles, kids can “bring to life” the epic TRANSFORMERS battle with this new vehicle from the ACTION FLEET TRANSFORMERS line. For covert combat, watch as select parts of this OPTIMUS PRIME semi-truck vehicle convert with the touch of a button to reveal stealth mode weaponry hidden inside to battle the evil DECEPTICONS like no other vehicle available.

Hasbro, Inc. (NYSE:HAS) is a worldwide leader in children’s and family leisure time products and services with a rich portfolio of brands and entertainment properties that provides some of the highest quality and most recognizable play and recreational experiences in the world. As a brand-driven, consumer-focused global company, Hasbro brings to market a range of toys, games and licensed products, from traditional to high-tech and digital, under such powerful brand names as TRANSFORMERS, PLAYSKOOL, TONKA, MILTON BRADLEY, PARKER BROTHERS, CRANIUM and WIZARDS OF THE COAST. Come see how we inspire play through our brands at . © 2010 Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 

Category: Transformers Power Core Combiners | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 13th February 2010 at 10:37:30 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Power Core Combiners

News has filtered in from the Nuremberg Toy Fair, which was pretty much the same as the UK toyfair, only now some more names have popped up on the Transformers Power Core Combiners line.

- Scout class figure Hubcap, who transforms into a red muscle car
- Scout class figure Brimstone, who transforms into a blue motorbike
- Power Core combiner Team "Aerialbots", consisting of a leader figure just below Deluxe size and four team members just below Scout size.

Category: Transformers Power Core Combiners | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Sunday, 7th February 2010 at 10:03:20 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Power Core Combiners

The Private Universe have scanned a flyer that was given at the British Toy Fair which is an advertisement for the upcoming 2010 Transformers released including the first look at Deluxe Ironhide, Voyager Seaspray the Power Core Combiner 5-pack.  You can see the mirrored image below.

Power Core Combiners

Category: Transformers Power Core Combiners | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 30th January 2010 at 11:42:24 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Power Core Combiners

Toyz and Gamez have posted some listing for the upcoming Transformers Power Core Combiner figures, which includes the names of the upcoming figures.  We all knew about Huffer and Caliburst but the larger robot that comes with Chopster (the figure that was recently shown) now has a name .... Smolder.  That's not all though a third set has also been named as Searchlight and Backwind.  You can view the original post here.

Category: Transformers Power Core Combiners | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 29th January 2010 at 19:18:26 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Power Core Combiners

An anonymous source of S250's has provided him, and thus,  two images of an new Transformers PowerCore Combiner figure. The name of the main toy has not been revealed, but from the images you can tell that the figure is a Decepticon who turns into a fire truck and comes with a Mini-Con called Chopster.  According to the packaging the toy has "4 minicon modes", a "vehicle weapon", a "robot weapon" and "Power-Up Armour".­

The profile is not fully included in the image but the text that you can make out reads as

".... holds a grude like, He plots elaborate aginst his hundreds .... enemies, and thanks to his ...combination with CHOPSTER, ...'s got the power to see ... oth of them through."

Transformers Power Core Combiner ­Transformers Power Core Combiner

Don't forget to check our latest sister website Transformers PowerCore which we have created as a site dedicated to this new ­line

Category: Transformers Power Core Combiners | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 20th January 2010 at 19:13:58 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Power Core CombinersTFW2005 board member Hoolagrin has posted some new Target DPCI's for upcoming Transformers Revenge of the Fallen products as well as some items from the next lines like Power Core Combiners.

087-06-1950 - Transformers Cyber Ops Bumblebee ~$60
087-06-0109 - Transformers Movie 2 Battle pk ~$20
087-06-1556 - Transformers 5pk combiner ~$20
087-06-1889 - Transformers DLX movie collection ~$13
087-06-1890 - Transformers DLX Collection 2 ~$13
087-06-1892 - Transformers Combiners 2 pk ~ $10
087-06-0019 - Transformers movie 2 legends 2pk ~$7
087-06-2048 - Transformers Animation Laptop ~ $20

Category: Transformers Power Core Combiners | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 6th January 2010 at 14:36:45 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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Transformers Toy Galleries
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Transformers Videos
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We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Transformers Toysheets
US Sheet 1 US Sheet 1
The scans contained within this gallery are taken from our own Transformers toysheet collection. This is the first US Transformers toysheet. ....
Transformers Instructions
Transformers Animated Transformers Animated
The instruction scans contained within this gallery with the watermark were originally from the Chinese TF08 website. They have been added here as a mirror. ....
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