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Transformers Animated

Steve Fritz has written an article over at regarding Transformers Animated. The article mainly discusses information that has already been released, but it also covers some of the characters that didn't make the final show, such as HotShot and a female Red Alert .

"Bumblebee was originally Hotshot in the development,” he admits, but we were told that Bumblebee was going to be a breakout character in the live action movie, so we happily swapped that one out. Ratchet was originally Red Alert, and believe it or not, was female! Bulkhead at one point was going to be the crusty veteran, but we shifted his role when we changed Red Alert to Ratchet.".

The article also confirmed that the leaders of the Autobots, on Cybertron, are Ultra Magnus (Jeff Bennett) and Sentinel Prime (Townsend Coleman).

Category: Transformers Animated | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Tuesday, 18th December 2007 at 21:58:12 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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