Seibertron have received a reply from Hasbro US regarding the Power Core Combiner Spastic. As you may remember we broke news that the Scottish newspaper The Daily Record had picked up on the name of this character and were talking about how the name is often used as an offensive term. During my report I speculated that the toy would not see a UK release anyway and these thoughts have now been confirmed by Hasbro in the following statement.
"Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and for the
opportunity to respond. The TRANSFORMERS brand intended no offense by
use of the name "SPASTIC" for one of its products which has not and will
not be available via traditional retail channels in Europe, including
the the UK. Thank you once again for notifying us about your concern.
As a marketer of children’s products, input from parents, families and
fans regarding their experiences with our brands is extremely important
to us. Our goal is to have all families who enjoy our brands feel good
about their purchases and experiences."