We are honoured to announce that we shall be returning to CollectorsHangout the live Colletors show which takes place on Google Plus and YouTube. With over half a million followers CollectorsHangout was one of Google's featured "Hangout On Air" shows when it debuted and we were fortunate enough to apear twice to talk Transformers. Well on June 5th we return to talk toys of the 1980s. You can expect us to cover Transformers but also as many other lines as we can including touching on what started us on the road to action figures and no doubt plenty of content on Visionaries.
We hope that you can join us live but if not the show will be available both on YouTube and as a Podcast but the live show takes place at 1pm EST, 6pm BST on Sunday June 5th.
Here's the announcement on full.
Steve and Dave Mapes join us again, but this time we are going to be discussing their 80’s toy collection. (You can view a past episode with the twins here: www.collectorshangout.tv/episode22)
Join us at http://collectorshangout.tv/live to participate in the conversation!
Though we’d love to have you watch live, don’t fret if you can’t – you can watch the entire recorded show at:http://youtube.com/collectorshangout
The podcast version (audio-only) along with the archived video can be found at: http://collectorshangout.tv/
Thanks and I can’t wait to feature you on Collectors Hangout!