The TransformersAsia.com release of MP-32 Beast Convoy has been announced as coming with an exclusive skull flaill just like the original Optimus Primal / Beast Convoy toy.
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The TransformersAsia.com release of MP-32 Beast Convoy has been announced as coming with an exclusive skull flaill just like the original Optimus Primal / Beast Convoy toy.
An official video has been posted over on NicoVideo.jp which features the transformation sequence for the upcoming Masterpiece Beast Convoy (Beast Wars Optimus Primal to Western fans). You can watch the video at http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1458044905
So Botcon is taking place this weekend over in the United States whilst the Toyko Toy Show is taking placed in Japan at the same time, so here is a round-up of the news so far:
The additional figures for this years set turned out to be General Optimus Prime, Sergeant Hound, Diaclone Skidz (Burnout), Diaclone Hoist (Lift Ticket), The Waruders 4-Pack with the Custom Class figure being Galva-Leo Convoy a recolour of the Collectors Club exclusive figure based on the original "Lucky Draw" figure of the same name.
Transformers Titan Wars - This will be the toyline following on from the Combiner Wars theme and sees the return of the Headmasters to the main Transformers line. Wireframe outlines were shown, drawn by Emiliano Santalucia (going by his Facebook reaction), which include Blaster (now a Headmaster), Astrotrain (a triple changer headmaster) and Fortress Maximus (a re-tool of Metroplex wtih both Cerebros and Spike much like the original toy / character). More is expect to be announced on this over the weekend.
Meanwhile in the other big news was being announced.
Masterpiece Ironhide was confirmed and shown. The figure, as you would expect from the Masterpiece line, is very muhc designed on the animated series and will come with a whole host of weapons and accessories. You can expect a Ratchet repaint and, most likely, a black "Diaclone" version later (in our opinion).
Masterpiece Optimus Primal / Gorilla Convoy - Masterpiece is going Beast Wars! To commemorate the 20th anniversary of Beast Wars, 2016 is going to see the Masterpiece line cover that incarnation of Transformers start off with the Maximal leader Optimus Primal. A mock-up was shown in beast form which you can view below.
Also shown at the event were Unite Warriors Devastator, this is the Japanese release of the Combiner Wars Devastator set with Scrapper, Long Haul, Hook and Mixmaster all being remoulded to include elbow articulation unlike the Western release. The toy will also be released with two heads meaning that you'll be able to re-create the standard US and SDCC looks
— たか (@Hawk753afd) June 20, 2015
For further images from the show, please see:
Transformers Robotmasters was a pretty short lived series in Japan, featuring only a few toys and even less cartoon and comic episodes, yet it made quite a big impact when first released. The toys featured mainly new molds, with a few recoloured toys fom Transfomers Generation Two and Transformers Beast Wars, and was the Japanese take on the Transformers Universe theme, where characters from different Transformers lines were bought together.
The line featured some of the best Transformers toy molds and some of the most popular characters, and also showed how the original Transformers Generation One toy molds could be updated with more articulation, but could still be extremley close to the originals.
To help celebrate this short lived Japanese exclusive line, we have uploaded 21 new Transformers Robot Masters toy galleriesas well as updated 3 existing galleries with new images.
This takes us to an unrivaled 2,178 Transformers Galleries