Transformers News: Tag - "beast wars ii"
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TakaraTomy have been tweeting out character models of Beast Convoy, Fire Convoy, Super Mode Convoy, Grand Convoy and Galaxy Convoy to promote the Fans Choice Masterpiece contest which is taking place. It seems, however, that some fans are incorrectly mistaking these character models for designs of Masterpiece figures of the characters. They are not. Most of the sheets clearly contain the date stamps and are also available within our Series Bible section of the website which contains various models sheets from Beast Wars and Beast Wars II as well as some Car Robot sheets. We own character models from G1 through to TF Animated so let us know if you would like to see more of these types of galleries.
The sheets which have been shared by TakaraTomy can be found after the jump
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 30th August 2013 at 15:44:41 BST
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Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 13th June 2012 at 18:47:36 BST
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Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 10th June 2012 at 15:28:44 BST
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We're back to playing catch up again with out Beast Wars II cartoon gallery update (due to no internet at the new house) so here'd a quick look at the two of the four galleries I put live on Friday, but didnt' get any time to tell you about.
Beast Wars II Episode 18 - The Black Lio Convoy
The Destrons stumble across an old artefact which can duplicate any object that it scans in the ruins of an ancient city on Planet Gaia. Galvatron decides to use the device to clone his arm, creating a Black and Grey duplicate of BB - only to find that the clones are uncontrollable, believing themselves to the the original. This gives the Destron Lord of Destructin an idea .. he'll trick the Cybertron's into using the device on themselves, to that their duplicates can take out Lio Convoy and his troops.
As expected it's poor old Tasmania Kid who finds the device and takes it back to base. After first clonning a Manga that Scuba is reading the device is used on Lio Convoy creating a dark duplicte, Black Lio Convoy.
Having only seen a few pictures from this episode previously what then suprised me was that the other Cybertron's were also cloned into Black Versions .... the suprise of this to me is that toys were not made of these. A Black Big Horn (Grey), Apache, Scuba and Tasmania Kid are also produced. Only Scuba is not cloned, allowing him to defeat the evil clones. This episode if also very similar to an A-Team episode when some imposters pretend to be the Heroes for Hire, with Murdock not being "copied".

Beast Wars II Epiosde 19 - The Space Pirate Seacons
This episode sees the Space Pirate Seacons, lead by Halfshell, arrive on Planet Gaia looking for Anglomois energy.

Stay tuned for the other two a little later today
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 2nd April 2012 at 08:10:43 BST
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Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 26th March 2012 at 12:49:03 BST
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Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 25th March 2012 at 20:44:38 BST
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Today we feature the entertaining Jointrons, DJ, Motorarm and Gimlet, who combine to form Tripledicus (the Japanese version of Tripredacus) in our Beast Wars II episode focus.
Beast Wars II - episode 14 - The Combined Giant, Tripledicus
When a strange ship crashes onto Planet Gaea, the Destrons and Cybertrons rush to investigate, only to be welcomed by a towering robotic giant!
just who's side will this feasome creature be on?

Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 5th March 2012 at 11:54:01 GMT
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To make up for the last few days of missing Beast Wars II Cartoon Image Galleries, we've now posted a quock catch up of 4 galleries, covering episodes 10 to 13, featuring over 1200 new Transformers Beast Wars II images
Beast Wars II Episode 10 - Autorollers Roll Out!
The Destrons continue in their attempts to recreuit the Insectons as warriors to their cause, this time it's the turn of the Autorollers. Unknown to the Cybertrons, the Autorollers and Insectrons have history, when Autocrusher and his crew previously saved BigMoss. Using this as leverage, the Autorollers and the Insectrons team up.

Beast Wars II Episode 11 - Danger! Scissor Boy
Following on nicely from the previous episode is more Autoroller and Insectron goodness, though this episode also focuses on the friendship between Tasmania Kid and Scissor Boy. Once again though very little is seen of Autolauncher

Beast Wars II Episode 12 - Galvatron Rampages
Episode 12 continues with the Autoroller theme, this time actually including the fourth member, Autolauncher. In this episode teh Autorollers are building a refining station when Scuba stumbeles upon them. At fisrt the Autorolllers go to attack Scuba, but after the interferance of Starscream and BB, along with a rampage from Galvatron, the Autorollers team up with the Cybertrons to stop the rampaging Galvatron

Beast Wars II Episode 13 - Predacon General Offensive
A nice way to round off today's Beast Wars II catch up is with the first of the "Catch-up" episodes. Moon and Artimus discuss the recent events on Gaia, with the Insectrons turning up and the suprising history between them and the Autorollers.

Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 4th March 2012 at 11:09:12 GMT
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We missed a day yesterday on our Beast Wars II cartoon galleries, but we had posted two over the the weekend on one day to make up for it. So today we're back on schedule with our 9th day of Transformers Beast Wars I updates featuring Episode 9 - The Strongest Tag Team
In this episode Starscream and BB manipulate the Insectrons by getting them drunk, making them fight amongst themselves, with the hope that they will also attack the Cybertrons by confusing them as to which faction is good and which bad. Tasmania Kid discovers Starscream’s plot and straightens things out with some of the Insectrons, but not before Power Hug and the other Insectrons have a drunken scuffle.
Meanwhile Galvatron awakes and decides to have a drink from the same oil, leading him to go on a drunken rampage across the Insectron forest.
We also discover Big Moss's third mode in this episode, as well as having a nice Chibby Starscream character

Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 28th February 2012 at 08:57:55 GMT
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Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 26th February 2012 at 13:41:02 GMT
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Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 25th February 2012 at 21:36:56 GMT
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Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 25th February 2012 at 21:13:45 GMT
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Update: The link has now been corrected to the actual gallery
Following straight on from the previous story is todays Beast Wars Second cartoon gallery. Episode 5 is titled Galvatron Revived and we have over 350 images from the episode.
Galvatron awakes from his offline state. The Cybertron's better beware.

Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 24th February 2012 at 20:23:43 GMT
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Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 24th February 2012 at 20:20:03 GMT
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