Our thanks go out to Gojira72 for reporting a sighting of Transformers Prime figures in the Harrogate ASDA. He spotted two of each figure with the exception of Soundwave.
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Our thanks go out to Gojira72 for reporting a sighting of Transformers Prime figures in the Harrogate ASDA. He spotted two of each figure with the exception of Soundwave.
Moonbug has posted a new review and image gallery of the just released Transformers Prime Soundwave figure which he purchased this morning from Argos. He picked up the figure along with Cliffjumper and Bumblebee but we thought since the UK is the first country to have Soundwave be released, we would start our Transformers Prime image gallery with him.
The image gallery also contains a full review of the figure, Moonbugs thoughts as well details of all the markings / copyright stamps etc.
If you like the toy rememeber that you can get him from Argos right now. You may need to reserve him though, as there are only a few at the moment. We got ours from an Argos Extra
With the Transformers Prime figures hitting the UK today we are interested to find out which figures have been sighted in which areas of the country. We picked up Deluxe Cliffjumper, Bumblebee and Soundwave! You have you found? Let us known on our Forum, via Twitter, Facebook or Google+.
For those wondering where the CE marking is on Soundwave, as the sticket / paint app can often spoil the figures, will be pleased to hear that the marking is actually molded onto the toy underneath the right arm and is un-painted, like the rest of the figure, but it does mean it is not as obtrusive as normal.
A quick reminder that if you want to buy the figures from Argos then its probably best to reserve or order them online as there is a very limited stock. Here are those very important links, remember that the Voyager Class figures are due in on Tuesday to most stores so order them now to avoid disappointment
Transformers Optimus Prime Revealers (Deluxe). 904/7291
Transformers Cyberverse Vehicle. 904/7363
Transformers Optimus Prime Powerizer (Voyager). 904/7301
Transformers Cyberverse Commander. 904/7284
Transformers Cyberverse Legion Figures. 904/7277
Although the official launch of the Transformers Prime toys within the UK is not until March 2012, Argos are currently stocking some of the figures as of today. Most stores are already sold out of the few stock they received with fresh orders due to be delivered on Tuesday. So far we have received reports of Deluxe Wheeljack, Deluxe CliffJumper, Soundwave, Bumblebee as well as Voyager Optimus Prime being available though you need to be quick and should look to reserve your items online. You can find some handy links below:
Transformers Optimus Prime Revealers (Deluxe). 904/7291
Transformers Cyberverse Vehicle. 904/7363
Transformers Optimus Prime Powerizer (Voyager). 904/7301
Transformers Cyberverse Commander. 904/7284
Transformers Cyberverse Legion Figures. 904/7277
One of the interesting reveals from the Argos website is a better looked at the blue and red recolour of Transformers Prime - Bumblebee whos is shown as having a new head sculpt. Click the image below to view a larger version of the reveal.
We have also received reports that other stores are expecting to start to receive cases of the Wave 1 figures around mid-Feb so we will all be able to pick up some of the other toys then.
In related news two images of a previously unseen Transformers Prime Megatron figure have been posted on a Chinese newsgroup. The images, mirrored below, appear to be of a different Megatron figure to the one shown in the Argos Catalogue.
YouTuber BM8709 has posted a video review of the Transformers Prime Cliffjumper figure that he picked up in Argos yesterday. You can view the video below.
Finally, FullMetalHero.com board member GamOfStreak, has posted some nice images of the just released Transformers Prime Wheeljack figure in both robot and vehicle modes which you can find here.
The latest issue of Toy News Magazine confirms that the Transformers Prime toyline will be released within the UK in March 2012. The line, to be released in the Spring / Summer of 2012 will also include apparel / dress-up, furniture, lighting and outdoor toys (including bikes).
The launched will be supported by TV advertising a sticker collection from Panini and the Transformers Prime magazine so expect the figures to be included in the latest Argos catelogue which is out soon. The toys will also be shown off at the Toy Fair later this month with Optimus Prime featuring on the cover of the magazine.
Click on to view some images from the latest issue of the magazine.
Kapow-Toys have posted a short announcement on their Facebook page confirming that the Transformers Prime figures will be released within the United Kingdom in Januray 2012. The first wave will include Optimus Prime, Bulkhead, Arcee, CliffJumper, Starscream and more.
Our thanks go out to Mr Neurie for letting us know, via twitter, that Smyths have reduced the Ultimate Optimus Prime figure to £49.99, yes that is an incredible £40 off! You can view an image of the toy at this price below.
Our thanks go out to Neurie for tweeting us confirmation and images that Cyberverse Guzzle (£6.49), MechTech Cyberfire Bumblebee (£9.49), Mech-Tech Specialist Ratchet (£9.49) and the Battle Hooks Optimus Prime with Comettor (£19.99) are all now available at Smyths stores across the country. You can view images of these toys on the shelf below.
Our thanks go out to Michael Cicharski for forwarding us an email he recently received from Toys R Us UK regarding the Transformers Generationsand Marvel Universe figures. Michael email themlast week to find out why his local store had not had any new stock and this was their reply.
"Thank you for your email regarding Marvel Universe and Transformers Generations figures, I have contacted our buying department and they have advised that we have no further orders in place for both of those ranges and that they are being discontinued.
I am afraid we have sold through the remaining stock of the transformers Generations figures throughout our stores nationwide. With regards to the availability if the Marvel Universe figures we do have a lot of stock available in other stores, if there are any specific figures you are looking for we can attempt to locate them and have them transferred to Merry Hill.
Once again thank you for taking the time to contact us,
Yours Sincerely
Toys "R" Us Customer Service
Michael contact Hasbro UK's customer service team regarding whether this was a general discontinuation or whether it was just Toys R Us stopping stocking the figure, but they have thus far declined to comment.
An advert is running on Cartoon Network here in the UK advertising the debut of Transformers Prime on the 5th September 2011, so in two weeks time. Transformers Prime currently airs within the US, where the first 20 episodes have been shown, and in Canada where the first 23 episodes have aired.
Credit to FullMetalHero for spotting the advert.
Our thanks go to Pete Brown and Shadowdancer for the following Transformers toy sighting reports.
Shadowdancer reports that he has "just been to Toys R Us and they have in stock Generations Scourge, Sergent Kup, Cliffjumper and Soundwave. I also noticed small 4 figure pack Legends (DOTM) and the massive Sentinal prime, Bumblebee and Prime as of yet no Shockwaves. Also at Toymasters in Letchworth they had a few RTS Windcharger at £7.99 i got two of them."
Pete Brown, on the other hand, has sent in some Tesco sightings and discounted figures. "My local tesco at Tower Park, Poole is selling all Dark of the Moon deluxes for £8.49 and the Legends size cyber-verse toys for £2.99 each."