Below you can find a video review of MP-12 Lambor (Sideswipe).
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Below you can find a video review of MP-12 Lambor (Sideswipe).
YouTuber Bens Collectables has posted a video review of the just released Transformers Masterpiece Sideswipe (Lambor) figure which you can watch using the plugin below.
If the video is not enough of a teaser Alfes 2010 has updated his blog with a full image gallery of this figure as well
A new video preview of this weeks Transformers Prime episode, Regeneration, has been posted onto the video sharing website YouTube. You can watch the trailer for the 51st episode of the Transformers Cartoon below.
Below you will find a new preview for this weeks Transformers Prime epsisode Patch. This week also marks the 50th episode within the ongoing Transformers show.
BigBadToyStore have posted a video preview of the Transformers Prime Dark Energon Optimus Prime and Megatron sets which you can watch below
Back in July we recorded a video tour of our Transformers display which we have dubbed as "The Transformers Museum". Well, we've finally gotten around to recording the narration for the video and have now uploaded it onto YouTube for your viewing pleasure. You can find it on YouTube where it's titled "Transformers Toy Collection: Transformers Display Room from Transformers At The Moon" or by clicking the plug-in below. The video is available in 240p,360p,480p and 1080p for those with HD support and a fast internet connection.
The sound-bite at the end is Lorenzo Di Bonaventura and was recorded during the International Junket for the first live-action Transformers film when Moonbug got to interview him for the website.
We don't often produce videos for the website with us speaking, so you may want to turnof the sound if the narration annoys you too much ;) but let us know what you think over on YouTube, Facebook, Google+ or via Twitter.
The video trailer for next weeks episode of Transformers Prime, Patch, is now available on YouTube. The video, which follows on from yesterdays episode is the 50th episode from the series
Gamespot UK recently went "hands-on" with the upcoming Internet browser-based MMO Transformers video game from Jagex Studios, Transformers Universe. You can find their impressions on the game, which is due for as s2013 release over on You can also find a new trailer for the game below have posted a video which they recorded at NYCC that shows the preview for Transformers Prime Season 3 Beast Hunters. You can view the trailer using the plugin below
Below you will find a video preview of next weeks Transformers Prime episode, episode 47, which is titled Alpha Omega. The episode continues on from last nights episode with the story arch running for at least another week afterwards.
The Hub has posted a teaser for the next episode of Transformers Prime which is titled Hurt. The pireview continues the ongoing story arch and airs tomorrow, 24th August 2012, on The Hub. You can watch the trailer below from YouTube.
TakaraTomy have published a video on their YouTube channel which is a spotlight on their upcoming Masterpiece Lambor. The video also features commentary, in Japanese, by designer Shogo Hasui, and high-res teaser images for MP-13 Soundwave and MP-14 Red Alert.
Mitch Santona has posted a video review on Youtube of Wave 1 of the Kre-o Microchanger figures which you can view below
The figures within these blind packs are:
Hasbro have released an official video preview of the Transformers Prime Cyberverse: Optimus Maximus onto the video sharing website YouTube. You can watch the video below.
YouTuber, Benscollectables, has posted a video review of a engineering pilot (testshot) prototype of the upcoming Mastermind Creations Hexatron figure. Hexatron is a non-official release of a new Sixshot toy which was announced some time ago. You can view the video below.