Some stock images of some upcoming Transformers Generations toys have been released
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HK-TF have posted up seversal in-hand images of the upcoming highly anticipated Transformers Generations Voyager Roadbuster figure including comparisons with Generations Whirl and Springer.
They have also posted up a nice animated GIF showing a 360 degree look at the toy, mirrored below.
Takara-Tomy have sent a marketing email to point out their lottery sales of a thres set of Transformers Generations toys, Miraga (Riji), Hound and Ironhide TRANSFORMERS SPECIALIST AUTOBOTS listing
The three pack is excluisive to Japan and the details are below.
200 lottery sales limit of Tomy mall limited. ¥ 11,800.
From February 25, lottery, accepting up to 13:00 on March 25.
The winner, there is a contact until March 28, release of the product talk of June 25.
At the bottom of the link, there is the application form of lottery sales.
The toys are very close to the Asia exclusive versions, with subtle colouring differences. There is currently no mention of a Decepticon set, though that is liktley to change.
Thanks to an ebay listing by clamar2120, which has since been cancelled, the world has seen images of what is being reported as a Leader Class Transformers Generation Jetfire figure. The item could still turn out to be a 3rd party piece as there have been several in development, but with Hasbro recently settingly the case bought against them by Harmony Gold over the SDCC Jetfire / Skystriker figure, there is a very good chance that this could well be part of the 30th Anniversary released due for 2014.
Thanks to Robot Kingdom for posting in packaging pictures of the Transformers Generations Wave 2 figuresset for a 2014 release.
The figures consist of Armada Starscream, Fall of Cybertron Skywarp, Scoop and the Minicon Assault Team
Million Publishing have annoucnced that the exclusive toy for Transformrs Generations 2013 will be Decepticon Rebel Infiltrator Starscream a translucent (Ghost) version of the War for Cybertron Starscream toy.
The figure comes with three weapons, the Neutron Assault Rifle accessories, Sideswipe's Path Blaster and Shockwave's Photon Burst Rifle
The Asian Exclusive Generations Metroplex has been announced and it's basically the SDCC exclusive version of the figure except the "decoys" are painted gold and silver. You can view an image below.
eBay seller lena81822 have posted a series of auctions for the upcoming Megatron ATB from the Transformers Generations Line. The auctions include some new images of the figure though they are mis-transformed. You can view the images by clicking on the heading of this article where they are attached.
Some of the Hasbro toy reveals have now been posted online such as IDW Skids, Goldfire (Goldbug), Waspinator and Dreadwing, whilst others haven't. The news is pretty much as we had anticipated, with Transformers Beast Hunters being dragged out until Transformers 4 has been released whilst the main focus for the toys will be the 30th Anniversary line, focusing on the IDW Designs. Surely the one many fans will love is the annoucement of More Than Meets The Eye Whirl, along with his shipmates Tailgate and Swerve.
Hasbro also confirmed that they want to simplfy the Transformation os Transformers, as they don't like them being too complicated. They want the kids to just be able to play on the floor - of cause other reasons will be that it costs more in RND
Other toys annouced were
YouTube user TheGame2K5 has posted a video highlighting the sound clips which are played by the upcoming Transformers Generations Metroplex figure. You can watch the video usingf the plugin below.
Peaugh has posted two new video reviews of figures from the nextd wave of Transformers Generations Legends class toys. The videos are of the Starscream and Waspinator 2-pack where Starscream is based on his recent IDW desigsn, with the 2nd video being Megatron with Chop Shop where Megatron is this time based on his pre-war IDW design. You can watch the videos using the YouTube plugins below
Robotkingdom have posted a collection of in-package images of Transformers Generations Voyager Sandstorm figure who is a retooled and repainted version of the previously released Voyager Springer toy. The images, wich can be viewed below, also show his bio which is as follows:
SANDSTORM lives for action. His only real fear is a fear of boredom. As a result, he takes unnecessary risks, both in combat and out - risks that can sometimes threaten the success of his missions. He lives fast, loud, and dangerously - traits that make him fun to hang out with most of the time. But his fellow AUTOBOTS are getting a little sick of his habit of giving away his position to the DECEPTICONS just so he has the opportunity to enjoy a fight.
Million Publishing have tweeted out that their forthcoming Transformers Generations 2013 book will now be released towards the end of July. Via their blog the team apologise for the delay with the books release and say that everyone should keep their eyes on the groups Twitter feed, blog, and the book's official website for further details.
Fellow UK site report, via twitter, that the Transformers Generations Wave Three Deluxes re out now at normal UK retail. Sideswipe and AirRaid were spotted in a Toymaster with the figures retailing for £14.99
BigBadToyStore have posted a new official image of Transformers Generations Titan Class Metroplex's partner Scamper, which can be viewed below.