Trademark Details
Trademark Source: USPTO
Mark (in words): GO-GO-GO- BOTS
Serial Number: 76436999
Filing Date: Friday, 2nd of August 2002
Status: Registration cancelled because registrant did not file an acceptable declaration under Section 8. To view all documents in this file, click on the Trademark Document Retrieval link at the top of this page.
Status Date: Friday, 29th of October 2010
Registration Number: 2826077
Registration Date: Tuesday, 23rd of March 2004
Prior Reg Numbers:
Date In Location: Monday, 29th of March 2004
Category: toy action figures and toy vehicles and toy robots convertible into other visual forms
Actual Mark
Status History
- Friday, 29th of October 2010 - CANCELLED SEC. 8 (6-YR)
- Tuesday, 23rd of March 2004 - REGISTERED-PRINCIPAL REGISTER
- Tuesday, 16th of December 2003 - ALLOWED PRINCIPAL REGISTER - SOU ACCEPTED
- Monday, 15th of December 2003 - ASSIGNED TO EXAMINER
- Thursday, 11th of December 2003 - CASE FILE IN TICRS
- Tuesday, 2nd of December 2003 - STATEMENT OF USE PROCESSING COMPLETE
- Tuesday, 2nd of December 2003 - SOU EXTENSION 1 GRANTED
- Tuesday, 4th of November 2003 - SOU EXTENSION 1 FILED
- Tuesday, 4th of November 2003 - PAPER RECEIVED
- Tuesday, 4th of November 2003 - USE AMENDMENT FILED
- Tuesday, 17th of June 2003 - NOA MAILED - SOU REQUIRED FROM APPLICANT
- Tuesday, 25th of March 2003 - PUBLISHED FOR OPPOSITION
- Wednesday, 5th of March 2003 - NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
- Wednesday, 22nd of January 2003 - ASSIGNED TO EXAMINER
- Wednesday, 22nd of January 2003 - APPROVED FOR PUB - PRINCIPAL REGISTER
This mark was submitted on Friday, 2nd of August 2002 and was last updated on Monday, 29th of March 2004