As promised, the big one, this Japanese Magazine update includes what we believe are the first ever images of the five Gold Beast Wars Transformers Prize toys as well as the origin of the Lucky Draw Red Convoy figure.
You will find scans of TV Magazine from the 5 of the first 6 months of 1998 (the second half of the year will be available in the next 3 days). Follow the link below for the images that you would have never seen before.
- TV Magazine February 1998 - 29 images
- TV Magazine March 1998 - 40 images
- TV Magazine April 1998 - 26 images
- TV Magazine May 1998 - 29 images
- TV Magazine June 1998 - 39 images
These magazines include images of the Cardboard Convoy (Optimus Primal figure), Gold Convoy (Gold Optimus Primal), Gold Megatron, Gold Cheetor, Gold Rhinox, Gold Ratrap and Gold Dinobot. The scans of this magazine confirm their existence and explains why they have never been seen for sale. Also included are the campaign for Lucky Draw Red Convoy (not Burning Convoy), the Cardboard Lio Convoy figures.
For reference
- Gold Optimus Primal (Convoy) - limited to 10. 1 in a set of 5, 3 in a set of 2, 6 individual
- Gold Megatron - limited to 3 (only available in a set with Convoy)
- Gold Cheetor - limited to 1 (part of the set of 5)
- Gold Dinobot - limited to 1 (part of the set of 5)
- Gold Rattrap - limited to 1 (part of the set of 5)
- Gold Rhinox - limited to 1 (part of the set of 5)