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Lucky Draw Transformers

The latest issue of the Japanese magazine aimed at boys aged between 9 and 13 called ???????, pronounced KeroKero Ace, ­was release today that comes complete with their exclusive green recolour of Transformers EX Collection Movie Starscream.  The toy, officially known as Keroscream (Frog Scream)­ features in a ­four page colour comic story by Naoto Tsushima which details the story behind the birth of the Frog Scream. Natoto Tsushima posted a preview image on his account which we have mirrored at the end of this story.

As well as coming with the toy and the mini-manga, the magazine also contains a "Custom Sticker Frog Scream Contest" which uses a sticket that accompanies the magazine. You can enter as many times as you like with the winners receiving autographs as well as an exclusive gold Lucky Draw Megatron.

The magazine also features the upcoming Transformers Prime, Transformers United and Transformers Arms Campaign figures.
KeroScream or Frogscream by Natoto Tsushim as originally published in KeroKero Ace magazine


Category: Lucky Draw Transformers | Submitted by: quartz - on: Monday, 26th December 2011 at 12:01:43 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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