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Transformers Merchandise

The Asia market has a big website called and it is jam packed with all kind of cool images and videos. The games aesthetics have long since been revealed to be similar to Transformers Prime. member GetRightRobot has posted the following.

Ever wondered how BumbleBee would fare against TF Prime Bruticus? Click here to watch the video and find out! here are TONS of options for customizing your character. Starting with a base chassis and choosing the actual vehicle is just the first steps. One of 5 classes of weapons can be then be chosen along with dozens of desgins and colors. I have mocked up a small portion of the options in the customization. I hope the Western market sees this level of game development

Transformers Evolution

Category: Transformers Merchandise | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Tuesday, 13th March 2012 at 09:01:07 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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