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Website Updates

Day 17 of our 17 day celebration of Transformers At The Moon looks at the year 2015.  

You can read more about what happened around the world, both within and outside of the Transformers Universe and fandom, by clicking on the title above or visiting our 2015 Year in Review.

Around the World

  • The Eurasian Economic Union comes into effect creating a political and economic union beterrn Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrhyzstan
  • Lithuania adopts the Euro
  • In April a magnitude 7.8 earthqule hits Nepal causing over 9,000 deaths (8,857 in Nepal)
  • In May a magnitude 7.3 strikes Nepal killing 218 (153 in Nepal)
  • Fifa President Sepp Blatter announces his intention to resign amidst corruption investigations
  • Cube becomes the first country to eradicate mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphillis
  • The New Horizons spacecraft becomes the first to visit Pulto
  • A magnitude 8.3 earthquake strikes Chile killing 14
  • NASA confirm that liquid water has been found on Mars
  • Hurricane Patrica becomes the most intense hurricane ever in the Western hemisphere with winds of over 200 mph
  • A Magnitude 7.5 earthquake hits the Hindu Kush killing 350


  • Transformers Robots in Disguise is released on TV
  • The Cartoon Network acquires global rights to Hasbro Studios
  • Transformers Age of Extinction heads the Razzie list
  • In Japan, new Machine Robo (Go-Bots to us westerners) are seen
  • Transformers Combiner Wars takes over Transformers fans lives, with Hasbro confirming a web-series later in the year.
  • Titan Wars, later renamed as Titans Return, is confirmed as the 2016 show
  • BotCon 2015 features the first new mould for an exclusive toy, based on an unreleased Generation One Double Pretender
  • Spinoff Movies from the Transformers Movies are confirmed
  • Simon Plumbe announces that Auto Assembly 2015 will be the last ever show due to health issues, amongst others.  Later in the year (after the show) he backtracks and tries to convince some dejected attendees that the previous announcement was meant to be "the final with the current team".  This doesn't seem to sit well with the community.
  • Auto Assembly 2015 itself set a new European record and becomes the first European Transformers show to have more than 1000 attendees.
  • TFNation Ltd announce that they will be holding a new Transformers convention in 2016.  The Transformers community runs wild with rumours of this new corporation running a show, though their fears are put to rest when the company announces their team which include many favourites from the old Auto Assembly crew
  • Roll Out Roll Call bring over Pete Sinclair (Transformers Collectors Club / BotCon) for his first UK appearance.  They also offer various BotCon / Joe Con / Transformers Collectors Club and GI Joe Collectors club exclusives along with the Mattel Masters of the Universe travelling exclusive toys.  The show breaks its own attendance record and gains more of the community feel that help Auto Assembly grow from 2007 to 2015
  • Tomy confirm that G1 Trypticon will be reissues
  • A new Masterpiece Hot Rod is confirmed
  • Transformers designer Alex Kubalsky holds a small event in London


  • We post several articles and galleries on of 2-up Visionaries hardcopies
  • We continue to help at both Auto Assembly and Roll Out Roll Call as well as attending the talk by Alex Kubalsky
  • To celebrate our 16th anniversary online we decide to cover a year a day for each year that the website has been online
  • We host a Lucky Draw Panel at Roll Out Roll Call


  • Auto Assembly
  • BotCon
  • TFCon
  • TFCon USA
  • Roll Out Roll Call

Category: Website Updates | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Wednesday, 28th October 2015 at 17:04:10 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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About Transformers At The Moon -
Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.

You can use Transformers At The Moon for such things as transformers toys,transformers figures,transformers movie,optimus prime,megatron,bumblebee,unicron,transformers cartoon,transformers comics

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