Day 12 of our 17 day celebration of Transformers At The Moon looks at the year 2010. It's crazy to think that was 5 years ago, wow have the years raced by.
You can read more about what happened around the world, both within and outside of the Transformers Universe and fandom, by clicking on the title above or visiting our 2010 Year in Review.
Around the World
- A magnitude 7 earthquake hits Haiti devastating the country
- A magnitude 8.8 earthquake (6th largest in history) hits of the coast of central Chile
- The Burj Jhalifa (world tallest building) opens in Dubai
- Apple release the I-Phone 4 with antenna problems
- Apple release the I-Pad introducing the tablet market
- Android mobile phones start to outsell Apple
- Microsoft teams up with Yahoo to combine Bing and Yahoo search
In The Fandom
- It’s reported that TFSource is possibly hacked with customers card details potentially being taken.
- The cast for the Japanese dub of Transformers Animated is announced
- The Allspark Almanac II is confirmed
- The first images from Transformers: Prime are seen in March 2010
- War for Cybertron is released
- A new UK convention, Transformations, is announced from the team who worked on Transforce.Like the previous cancelled show nothing comes about.
- Genzaho launches his KOLD line of toys, knock off Lucky Draw items which are packaged clearly with the KOLD Logo.Genzaho makes sure that his fake figures are clearly known not to be official.
- The Auto Assembly store opens, and closes
- All The Cool Stuff hold Roll Out Roll Call in the picturesque town of Fordingbridge, for free!
- Sleep Mode Convoy is released
- Peter Cullen is confirmed for Transformers Prime, his first Transformers cartoon since G1.A few days later Frank Welker is also confirmed.
- Megan Fox is confirmed to not be appearing in the third Transformers Movie
- Michael Bay confirms he is working on Transformers The Ride
- A 5th Custom Colour Robot Masters Convoy is sold at auction
- Masterpiece Rodimus is confirmed
- Weird Al Yankovic plays in the UK in December
- A Gold Fortress Maximus custom is shown off at Cybertroncon in China
- Auto Assembly gets 579 attendees, a new European record
- GI Joe Renegades debuts, as does Transformers Prime
- Transformers Dark of the Moon is confirmed as the title to the 3rd Transformers Movie
- The Ron Friedman auctions take place in December with most of the paperwork going to a coalition lead by Jim Sorenson
- The Power Core Combiner Spastic is announced and later in the year Hasbro are forced to change the name
Our Site
- Our slowdown continues after the end of Transformers Animated in 2009, due to work commitments combined with buying less toys (as we weren’t that keen on the Movie figures).
- HerosToyMaker sells more fake Gold Beast Convoys on eBay (we warn fans to stay clear)
- We continue to bring monthly updates of the UK toy sales charts as well as breaking Trademark information as it happens
- We launch a new Facebook page, updating the one from several years earlier
- We import and sell Sleep Mode Convoys direct from Japan, our first time in doing so for a few years and later in the year order 10 Unicron 2010’s from Toy Hobby Market.
- We pay to fly Jim Sorenson and Bill Forster over to the UK for Auto Assembly as we feel the show lacks current guests after the announcement is made that the voice actors will be Scott McNeil and Gary Chalk.
- We continue our sponsorship of Auto Assembly by bringing Derrick Wyatt over to make his debut at a UK show.
- We hold another toy display at Auto Assembly, this time Japanese G1 Exclusives
- As a gift for Derrick we commission a plush TF Animated inspired Swindle to be made with removable parts. We like how the plush turns out so much that we decided to commission another one to be made for ourselves.
- We confirm the existence of the gold Lucky Draw Beast Wars toys in October 2010.
- We launch Transformers-Prime.com and interview Tania Gunadi.
- Auto Assembly
- Transformations 2011 is announced then cancelled
- C.O.N.S
- Roll Out Roll Call
- TFCon
- BotCon
- Cybertroncon