TFW2005 board member Yobuster has recently picked up Soundwave from Wave 1 of the Beast Hunters line and to his suprise, the backing card revealed a new Transformers Prime Beast Hunters figure in Ripclaw. Ripclaws profile reads as "Unquestioningly loyal to the PREDACON causee, RIPCLAW crushes her enemies and leave their circuits burning with her mech-venom!"
Hi Everyone, Picked up my set of TF Prime Beast Hunters wave 1 today. Picked up deluxe Soundwave, Wheeljack, Bumblebee and Laserback. Great figures. And as i was admiring the figure i turned Soundwave's packaging around and i realised they got the wrong filecard/backing. Instead i see Deluxe Class Ripclaw. Picture attached for proof. Not sure if this was announced before but a quick search of the forums didn't show any.
Hope this is news for everyone!