Beast Wars Neo - Gold Big Convoy
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Beast Wars Neo - Gold Big Convoy - Information
We first speculated that a Gold Big Convoy Lucky Draw Transformers figure had been produced when we bought our Gold Magmatron toy. At the time we had not heard of either figure, in fact only one person we spoke to had, and even he had not seen a Gold Big Convoy. A year later we got our first glimpse on this truly spectacular figure, and could finally confirm that the Gold Big Convoy Lucky Draw toy existed. Now we proudly displayed the first few images of this exceptionally rare and unknown piece.
Buring November we negotiated with the owner to sell us the Gold Big Convoy figure, which now completes our Beast Wars Neo Lucky Draw Transformers toy collection. The figure will be referred to as a Lucky Draw Transformers toy although we cannot prove that this is entirely the case. To try and help explain we'll detail everything we know about this figure below.
The only website we know of to ever list the Gold Big Convoy Transformers figure was ours, Transformers At The Moon and Lucky Draw We originally speculated that the figure existed shortly after purchasing our Gold Magmatron figure from Hydra (the well known Lucky Draw dealer and expert). At that time we figured that as every other Convoy toy previous to this (Beast Wars that is) had been released in a Gold Chrome version (Lio Convoy in both chrome and plastic) that the chances of a Gold Big Convoy toy was high. To add to the speculation was the fact that a Blue Big Convoy, Black Magmatron and Gold Magmatron figure had been produced. It would be very unusual for Takara to release more Destron (in this case Destoron) Lucky Draw figures then Cybertrons (Cybertoron).
With this assumption, and after finally receiving images of the figure several months later, we discussed the toy's origin's with Hydra. Hydra had not seen any magazines with the Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy in them, but then he's only one person and there are several magazines which produce Lucky Draw toys, and it would have dated back some years.
Hydra suggested that the toy may not be a regular Lucky Draw item, but rather a staff exclusive, such as the Green Lio Convoy figure (which you won't see listed or mentioned on the majority of Transformers fan sites). This would be the fourth known example of a staff exclusive item, with the Gold Convoy (G1 statue being the first, and the Gold Hot Rod toy owned by Might Gaine being another.
The previous owner
The previous owner resides in Taiwan and is a regular seller on Yahoo Japan (over 3000 positive feedback) as well as other auction sites in the far east and west. They are a store which also specialise in the recovery / sale of Lucky Draw Transformers, with various sources in Japan. The seller told us
The item came from a collector, not a worked in the Takara-Tomy factories in Japan, China or Hong Kong, and was expensive. It is also the only one they have seen in the ten years in which they have been trading.
The figure includes all the date stamps of the original Beast Wars Neo Big Convoy toy, and appears to be pale bage plastic below the gold chrome (which is visible on the inside of some of the pieces, between the joints).
Transformers Toys, Toy Galleries, Transformers Review, Toy Review, Transformers Toy Galleries, Big Convoy, Gold Big Convoy , Beast Wars Neo, , Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers, Gold Big Convoy, Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Gold Big Convoy, Lucky Draw Big Convoy, Gold Convoy, Lucky Draw Transformers,
Beast Wars Neo - Gold Big Convoy - Toy Review
Big Convoy is a fantastic toy, and the only Mammoth Transformers figure released to date (2007). The toy has been released in several forms, regular, Black (Toys R Us Japan), Blue, Gold and as Nemesis Convoy in the USA. Big Convoy has three modes, with an attack mode being a partially transformed Mammoth mode.
The Gold Big Convoy toy is covered in Gold Chrome Plastic over the majority of hte toy, with yellow plastic on the remaining parts and joints. The left robot arm, which is clear on the regular figure, is made of clear, sparkly, gold plastic. The crystal in the Matrix and chest of the figure are also made of this plastic.
The four missiles of Big Convoy are covered in gold chrome, although much paler than the rest of the figure. He is also far looser then the Blue Big Convoy Lucky Draw Transformers toy, and therefore easier to transform (which was a nice change).
We could not extend the handle for the Big Cannon, so the gun is resting on the toy. This is as the joint is very stiff and we did not want to scratch the toy.
The Gold Big Convoy toy is an exceptionally rare piece. This is the only one we have seen, and the only one the seller had seen. Other Lucky Draw collectors and experts had also not seen the acutal toy before. If you are lucky enough to find the toy it will demand an extremely high price, double that of many a regular Lucky Draw figure (even that of some of the rarer, more expensive Beast Wars Lucky Draw toys).
Review written by: quartz - Review written on: Thursday 11th of October 2007 21:30:00
Other Transformers toys and figures called Big Convoy.
Stats: The toy "Big Convoy" has been used on 6 occasions out of a total of 4,032 toys within our database.

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