Beast Wars - Stinkbomb
Welcome to the toy review, image gallery and information page for Beast Wars Stinkbomb .
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Stinkbomb Profile
- US Toy TechSpec
- Function: Psychological Warfare
- Motto: Nine-tenths of the battle is fought within the imagination.
- Profile: A strategic specialist, Stinkbomb is fascinated with the study of Predaconial psychology. Understands the power-driven Predacon mindset and delights in manipulating it to Maximal advantage. Once taunted for his unpleasant odor, Stinkbomb's sharp wit, cunning tactics and dangerous intelligence quickly earned the respect of his colleagues. Regarded by Optimal Optimus as a valued advisor and fierce warrior. Relies on serrated tail for close range combat. Photon emitters in optical sensors project hypnotic light spectrum capable of lulling enemies. Foul chemical spray causes temporary paralysis - nasty odor remains for weeks unless victim bathes in tomato juice.
Stinkbomb Tech Specs
Coming Soon
Toys associated with Stinkbomb
The following toys are associated with Stinkbomb
Photographs and images of Stinkbomb
There are 13 images available for this toy.
Other Transformers toys and figures called Stinkbomb.
Stats: The toy "Stinkbomb" has been used on 1 occasions out of a total of 4,032 toys within our database.

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