Generation 1 - Gripper
Welcome to the toy review, image gallery and information page for Generation 1 Gripper .
Along with images of Gripper you can also find information about this Transformers
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Gripper Tech Specs
Coming Soon
Toys associated with Gripper
The following toys are associated with Gripper
Image Tab Navigation
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Photographs and images of Gripper
There are 48 images available for this toy.
Image Tab Navigation
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Generation 1 - Gripper - Information
We picked up this Gripper from the former head of Boys and Girls toys as Hasbro Europe. He was loose, had no weapons or stickers. As far as I can tell the toy is the final version and is not a testshot but without owning the toy before I can not be 100% sure at this stage.
Transformers Toys, Toy Galleries, Transformers Review, Toy Review, Transformers Toy Galleries, Gripper, Gripper , Generation 1, , Gripper, Blacker, Motorvator, European Exclusive, Gripper, Blacker, Motorvator, European Exclusive, Gripper, Blacker, Motorvator, European Exclusive, Gripper, Blacker, Motorvator, European Exclusive, Gripper, Blacker, Motorvator, European Exclusive, Gripper, Blacker, Motorvator, European Exclusive, Gripper, Blacker, Motorvator, European Exclusive, Gripper, Blacker, Motorvator, European Exclusive,
Generation 1 - Gripper - Toy Review
As a fan of the Brainmasters it was always only going to be a matter of time until we picked up
the European version of these figures but what we had not expected were the circumstances under which
we would pick up the figures. This Gripper came from the former head of Hasbro Europe who. We picked up Gripper along
with paint-samples of both Flame and Lightspeed.
This gallery contains comparisons to the Brainmaster Blacker as well as showing the toy combined with Braver and Laster as Road Ceasar.
Review written by: quartz - Review written on: Friday 8th of April 2011 15:53:00
Other Transformers toys and figures called Gripper.
Stats: The toy "Gripper" has been used on 1 occasions out of a total of 4,032 toys within our database.

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