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Transformers AnimatedSad news for those planning to attend the NTFA Mini-Con in Sweden, as have now announced that they are no longer allowed to show the full Transformers Animated episode 1 at the event. It seems that though they received backing from Hasbro Nordic, Hasbro US have ultimately overruled the decisions, though they will still be showing extracts from the episode, most probably the same footage that was shown during SDCC 2007. Here's a copy of their news report

"We regret that we will have to back out on the exclusive showing of the first episode of Transformers: Animated at the Arlöv Mini-Con this weekend. Both we and Hasbro Nordic thought we had permission to show the full episode, but it seems there was either some miscommunication or just a case of conflicting opinions at Hasbro USA. First one party told us yes, but later another party said no.

We want to emphasize that Hasbro Nordic's manager wanted to make the exclusive showing possible, and thanks to his efforts we can still show a
partial preview of the episode, just not the full episode. So you will still get a taste of Transformers: Animated at Mini-Con!"

Category: Transformers Animated | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 31st October 2007 at 08:40:13 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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