Transformers News: Tag - "ark addendum"
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Earlier this week Jim Sorenson posted a brand new Ark Addendum over onto his blog. The new article was regarding the transformation sequence for the Headmaster triple changer Apeface. You can view the entry here along with the character model, but below you will find the post which Jim made.
"Hola, amigos! I know it's been a long time since I rapped at you, but I've been HELLA busy with my move to Albuquerque. I love my new home, but between closing the deal and repairing all the minor things wrong with it and unpacking and furnishing it, it's sucked up just about all of my time.
Anyway, it's been a couple of weeks, but I should be back on track for a while as life calms down. So, checking on Martin's tally of my missing model sheets, I come to... APEFACE!
Full disclosure: I don't have the model sheet of his transformation to jet mode. I dunno why, I just don't. I do have both sets for Snapdragon, so look for that soon.
My main memory of Apeface is trying to hunt down a spare gun for him. You see, you can snap his gun into either side of his jet mode, but that seemed awkward to me, so I went ahead and got an extra. The gun isn't perfectly symmetrical, so that doesn't work 100% either, but it was neat at the time. He never got a lot of screen time, but in the Underbase arc he used his own arm to bludgeon another Decepticon into pulp. You gotta love that!"
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 22nd September 2012 at 11:18:48 BST
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Jim Sorenson has published a new Ark Addendum entry onto his Blog Disciples of Boltax. The entry is called The Ark Addendum - Perceptor's Transform, and as the name suggest it contains the transformation sequence for Generation One Perceptor. Check it out!
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 23rd August 2012 at 07:56:59 BST
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Jim Sorenson has posted a new Ark Addendum entry onto his blog entitled "Sureshot's Transform (and even more Farscape)." As you can guess, the entry covers the Targetmasters transformation sequence but here is Jim to tell you more:
"The Ark Addendum marches on! I'm honestly not sure what I'll bring you next week, but this week I finish off the last of many partial sequences I've been through, the transformations for the Headmaster characters.
Sureshot's our boy this time. I'd say my favorite image is probably step 1, just showing the car zooming along at high speed. It's nice that they didn't just reuse the basic car model. It's a bit odd that they violate the 180 degree rule from that shot to the next one, though."
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 10th August 2012 at 07:12:05 BST
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Jim Sorenson has updated his blog, Disciples of Boltax, with a new Ark Addendum entry. The new entry is the fifth part of Jim's look at Madman's Paradise. Here is a copy of Jim's description of the character models:
"It's been a long, twilight struggle, but we've made it through Madman's Paradise! We come to the final batch of models, the Golden One's loyalists.
Here you can see one of the tricks I sometimes employ. Treant the second and treant the first are obviously very similar models. To keep them from looking TOO much alike, at least on a subconscious level, I reversed the second one. It also makes the page flow better. Note that I didn't do that with the second Birdman model, because I believe it's just the same guy carrying some explosives. "
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 13th June 2012 at 08:06:00 BST
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Roll Out Roll Call 2012 guest Jim Sorenson has recently updated his blog The Diciples of Boltax with the transforamtion sequence of Lander from Transformers Masterforce.
Welcome back, true believers! Another edition of The Ark Addendum, extra model sheets not in The Complete Ark, my 416 page tome of Transformers character models.
This week's offering is another transformation sequence from Masterforce. I give you: Lander! I find the last picture in the sequence especially nice, what with the clouds and the mountains. For a pretty simple toy, he they sure make his Transform seem dynamic.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 24th February 2012 at 13:36:55 GMT
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Jim Sorenson updated his blog on Tuesday with a new Ark Addendum entitled Ratbat's Transform. As you can probably guess from the title, the article focuses on the transformation sequence for the Generation One Decepticon cassette Ratbat.
Here's an update from Jim, "this week I finish up my cassette transformations. I give you...
Ratbat! It's a simple transformation. He basically unfolds, much like
the toy. The big difference is that his weapons pop out of his back,
instead of being attached manually. And one final reminder: we've got a book signing for The AllSpark Almanac Addendum this Saturday at Emerald Knights Comics & Games in Burbank. 1:00 PM on December 10th.4116 W. Burbank Blvd, Burbank, CA 91505"
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 10th December 2011 at 14:10:11 GMT
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Jim Sorenson (one of the Roll Out Roll Call 2012 guests) finishes up his run of cassetticon transformation sequences
with this week's Ark Addendum update, Ratbat! Visit Jim's blog,
Disciples of Boltax, for his thoughts on the update.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 6th December 2011 at 20:16:32 GMT
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Our Summer Special of updates continues here at Transformers At The Moon, even though we are now well into the Autumn / Fall, with the latest addition of Character Models from our collection. This evening's updates continues our recent theme of commemorating the DVD release of Beast Wars II by publishing the character models from the show and, as such, we are proud to bring you the following new galleries.
Beast Wars II Backgrounds - This gallery contains 62 scans of backgrounds from the show. Some of the sheets you will notice have been coloured, by hand, this was not done by ourselves.
BB - We have published 5 scans of character models for BB, one of which is an early concept art.
Big Horn - We have published 19 sheets of character models of the Cybertron known as Big Horn.
Bigmoss - You can now find an image gallery containing the 5 character models for the Insectron Bigmoss.
Dirge - You can find 7 character models of the Destron Dirge from the Beast Wars II show.
Dirge-gun- During the Beast Wars II series Dirge gets upgraded into Dirge-gun and so you can also find 5 character models of that character
Diver was one of the original members of Leo Convoy's Cybertron's and now 11 character models of the little green frog are available for you to view.
Drillnuts - Drillnuts is another member of the Insectrons and was a toy that we purchased whilst at Auto Assembly 2011, so we actually owned his character model before we owned the toy.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 12th November 2011 at 20:59:05 GMT
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Jim Sorenson has posted a new additional to his Ark Addendum yesterday called Mircobots Part 1 . Here's Jim to tell you all about it, though remember to click the link to view the character model.
"This week in The Ark Addendum... MICROBOTS! Part 1. No, it's not a
two-part episode, I just have some more designs from the episode.
Unusual ones... but we'll get to that next week.
This week's installment is the backgrounds and props from the episode.
As we all remember, the Decepticons discover the remains of their
as-yet-unnamed starship, which Beast Wars would dub Nemesis. Inside is
the Heart of Cybertron, which powers up Megatron and prompts the
Autobots to shrink down, Fantastic Voyage style, and infiltrate
Megatron's body.
To me, the stand-out models here are Floro Dery's take on Megatron's
insides. He reused some of this imagery for the inside of Unicron a
little later. It's just a lovely alien landscape, bizarre and
compelling. Hats off to you, sir, hats off."
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 26th October 2011 at 08:53:10 BST
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Jim Sorenson has updated his blog, Disciples of Boltax, with a brand new The Ark Addendum titled Weirdwolfs Transform. The entry focuses on the extended transformation sequence for Weirdwolf.
If you like Character sheets you will be pleased to know that another batch arrived with us helping us complete sheets from every Transformers series from Beast Wars II through Transformers Animated which we will be sharing with you all.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 12th October 2011 at 22:56:30 BST
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Following on from the last news story, and last weeks update, Jim Sorenson has posted The Ark Addendum - The Insecticon Syndrome Part 2 to his blog which continues on with more character models from the Generation One debut episode of the Insecticons.
Here's Jim to explain more:
"This week, it's time for the Ark Addendum from The Insecticon Syndrome,
part two. We get some really nifty interiors and exteriors in this
episode, including the Nova Power Plant and the Iron Mountain military
It was consuming the Nova Power Core that made the Insecticons grow
large and unstable. Really, the episode has a very odd structure. The
Insecticons are enlisted to help the Decepticons, attack a power plant,
grow large, attack the real target, turn on the Decepticons. All the
while, they're getting ready to explode... it's just sorta random. It
almost feels like two episodes smushed together. As much as I have a
nostalgic bone for the classic Transformers, newer shows really are much
tighter and more well written."
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 27th September 2011 at 19:34:44 BST
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In this Ark Addendum update Jim Sorenson finishes off the animation models from the Masterforce episode Kidnapping!? The Targeted Jumbo Jet with a look at the pre-Destroid flight crew and one last view of the cutting room floor 747. Click here to visit Jim's blog Disciples of Boltax for more insights into this episode.
We have a related project planned very soon
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 7th September 2011 at 21:15:53 BST
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Jim Sorenson has updated his blog, Disciples of Boltax, with a new entry entitled "The Ark Addendum - Boeing 757 and The AllSpark Almanac returns". Here is Jim's description of the entry:
"Today's Addendum, and theme I'll explore for the next couple of weeks,
is the Airplane models from the third episode of Masterforce, Kidnapping!? The Targeted Jumbo Jet.
The Destron baddies captured airplane-loads of people to turn them into
the Destroids, a zombie-like force. Creepy stuff! This is the model
for Mont Port Air Flight 308."
Jim also blogs a little more on the return of the AllSpark Almanac and how its return came about.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 25th August 2011 at 08:54:59 BST
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Jim Sorenson has updated his blog, Disciples of Boltax, with the transformation sequence for the trainbot Yukikaze. Previously Jim has posted the transformation sequences for four other members of the Trainbots, Shouki, Getsui, Seizan and Suiken but he is missing the sequence for Kaen and the gestault form Raiden. We will check through our own character / model sheets to see if we have the missing pages but in the meantime here is Jim's thoughts on the character.
BTW, Yukikaze translates roughly to "Snow Breeze." It's a fairly common
name in Anime and Manga, especially for cold-based characters. The
name itself would be reused in Beast Wars II as the space ship
(non-sentient) for the Maximals.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 17th August 2011 at 08:49:10 BST
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Jim Sorenson has updated his blog with a new
Ark Addendum entitled "
Suiken Transform". Continuing on from last week, this entry focuses on another member of the Trainbots. You can view the toy gallery for
Suiken here.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 11th August 2011 at 14:51:00 BST
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