Fans Project have unveiled the first image of one of their new Function X series of figures. The first figure to be revealed is X1 AKA Chromedome. You can view an image of this figure below.
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Fans Project have unveiled the first image of one of their new Function X series of figures. The first figure to be revealed is X1 AKA Chromedome. You can view an image of this figure below.
FansProject have posted some teaser images of their upcoming Function X project which is really a third party Headmaster release. The figures featured within the preview images are Chromedome, Brainstorm, Mindwipe, Minerva, Weirdwolf and Skullcruncher but repainted as Optimus Prime from the Generation One episiode "City of Steel". Does this mean that there will also be an "Arcee" repaint of Chromedome? Time will tell.