Thanks again to Weibo user zMultiplier we can bring you the first look at the packaging for the upcoming Combiner Wars Generation Two Bruticus figure.
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Thanks again to Weibo user zMultiplier we can bring you the first look at the packaging for the upcoming Combiner Wars Generation Two Bruticus figure.
Masterpiece Generation Two Lambor AKA Sideswipe has now been released within Japan leading to images being shared across the internet. Thanks to these in-hand images taken by Hobby Search, Robot Kingdom and Oscar Fung we can bring you 14 images of the latest Masterpiece figure.
Planet Iacon have posted and image, thanks to Toys2Mail Station, of the upcoming Walmart exclusive "Ultimate Giftset" which features two deluxe class and two Legions class figures. Release in Q3 of this year, the toys are Generation 2 Jazz (a recolour of from Reveal the Shield Jazz), Combat Hero Optimus Prime (from RTS Optimus Prime), Motormaster (also from RTS Legend Optimus Prime) and Thundercracker (from RTS Legend Starscream). You can view the image below.
Following on from our exclusive Unreleased Transformers Universe Smokescreen toy gallery and his Minicon Jolt, posted earlier today, you will now find two more exclusive galleries featuring another unreleased toy, this time from the Generation Two era, as well as the Gold Transformers Movie Optimus Prime Lucky Draw figure (along with all the information known on this TV Magazine campaign toy).
If you run your computer at a resolution of 1280x1024 then you may be interested in downloading the below Lucky Draw Transformers wallpaper. if you don't have your computer in that resolution, then you may want to take a look anyway, for an extreme high-res image of the Gold Optimus Prime toy.