Chinese Transformers site TFClub has pointed out two TaoBao auctions for upcoming Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Ratchet and Backfire.
Both toys are repaints of previous molds.
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Chinese Transformers site TFClub has pointed out two TaoBao auctions for upcoming Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Ratchet and Backfire.
Both toys are repaints of previous molds.
Following yesterday's spot of an auction for Transformers Movie Big Daddy, three new auctions have been found for more, previously unknown, Wal-Mart Exclusive Transformers Movie toys.
First up is Jolt, a recolour of the Transformers Galaxy Force Autovolt (Transformers Cybertron Crosswise). The second is Grindcore, a green repaint of Transformers Galaxy Force Guardshell (Transformers Cybertron Landmine) and the third is Divebome, a repaint of Transformers Galaxy Force / Cybertron Thundercracker.
Following on from the recent sightings of the latest Transformers Movie Real Gear Robots recoloured toys, the third version of many of the molds, the latest two re-colours have now appeared on Taobao auctions. This Real Gear figures are Midnighter XR-4, a re-colour of Meantime and Farsight T-20 a recolour of Longview.
You can see the original auctions here and here.
Here are a few preview images for you.