Titan Magazines have sent through two wallpapers from issue 1 of the new UK Transformers comic, Transformers 2,1. The wallpapers are by the main article John Davis Hunt.
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Titan Magazines have sent through two wallpapers from issue 1 of the new UK Transformers comic, Transformers 2,1. The wallpapers are by the main article John Davis Hunt.
It's been a while since we featured some new wallpapers on Transformers Animated, but that comes to an end with the introduction of the first Transformers Animated Ultra Magnus wallpaper.
This wallpaper, available in three sizes, is based on a scene from Transformers Animated episode 19, called Mission Accomplished.
Transformers Animated.com, the web's premier Transformers Animated resource, has been updated with another Transformers Animated Wallpaper. This time the Decepticon Lugnut receives the focus, with the wallpaper available in three sizes (800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024).
You will find this, and lots more Transformers Wallpapers for your desktop, within the Wallpaper section of Transformers Animated.com. There is also a new wallpaper made up of smaller wallpapers, which is called Advert.
Transformers Animated has been updated again, this time with yet another Transformers Animated themed wallpaper, this one is only available in 800x600 resolution.
This is the 15th wallpaper available exclusively at Transformers Animated.com