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We've been sent images of an in packaing Transformers Dark of the Moon Gold MechTech Bumblebee figure.
The latest cases of Transformers Dark of the Moon toys hitting stores in the US are
carrying a special sticker promoting a "Transformers Prime Style"
campaign where in exchange for spending $20 or more on Transformers
products, you can get a goodie bag including a T-Shirt and a limited
edition Kreon, and a $5 off voucher to future Transformers purchases.
when you buy $20 worth of TRANSFORMERS toys by 10/20/2011. Via mail-in
See reverse or visit for offer form and details.
On the back, the text reads:
TRANSFORMERS Gift Pack consists
of one (1) limited edition TRANSFORMERS Dark of the Moon T-shirt (ARV
$10.99), one (1) special edition KREON TRANSFORMERS figure (ARV $4.99)
and one (1) $5.00 off coupon good through 1/31/2012 for future
TRANSFORMERS toys purchase. Terms and Conditions: Offer ends 10/20/2011.
Offer valid only in the USA. Void where prohibited. Allow 6-8 weeks to
receive Gift Pack by mail. Gift Pack value $20.98. Visit for offer form and details. Copyright 2011 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.
Below are two adverts for this campaign
Full Metal Hero have mirrored images from HK-TF of a new Green recoloured version of Transformers Dark of theMoon Cyberverse Commander Powerglide.
You can see their mirrored images here.
2 new Transformers Dark of the Moon repaints have shown up on Facebook group Transformers Galaxy.
The Transformers toys appear to be a new DOTM Voyager Optimus Prime in G1 colours and an new Bumblebee toy.
The first is just the movie.
The second is the 2-disc Special Edition set.
And the 3rd is the trilogy (6 disc) in a special metal encasement. There might be different versions of this across the globe.
That box in the form of the AUtobot logo is one of the early concepts for the the international trilogy.
I though it was October for the regular set, and December for the different Special Editions.
Click here and here for the original postsAn eBay auction has appeared for the Japanese exclusive Transformers Dark of the Moon Dark Steel (listed as Dark Iron.
Click the link above to see the auction andn the imaes of the Transformers toy.
News in from TFCon is that the first wave of Transformers Prime toys will be releasd in November and December 2011, following by a full main release in March 2012.
Hasbro also confirmed that the Transformers Dark of the Moon toy line wis set to end a the end of 2011, with all the toys off the shelves by March 2012
TakaraTomy has updated their website with cleaner images of the Transformers Dark of the Moon Lucky Draw Voyager Optimus Prime with Trailer and Voyager Megatron.
Along with Gold Bumblebee and Gold Sentinel Prime they make up the four Dark of the Moon Lucky Draw figure (clidk for a larger view)
Ultimate Optimus Prime out this Sat in Argos. One seen instore not on sale. no price but code is 3884072
We've uploaded two Transformers Dark of the Moon toy galleries into our extensive Transformers toy resource area.
Saiful Irwan Zubairi has dropped by with the below message.
Hi there, I just went to Argos High St. Kensington at London. There are plenty of Ironhide leader class over there. Just wanna inform you guys about it. Good luck for the hunt! ;) Cheers!