Transformers Animated - Megatron Gold Version
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Megatron Gold Version Profile
Megatron Gold Version Tech Specs
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Photographs and images of Megatron Gold Version
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Transformers Animated - Megatron Gold Version - Information
Following on from their Lucky Draw Transformers Animated Optimus Prime Gold Version, TakaraTomy, Sega and Paramount Pictures worked together to produce the third Transformers Animated
Lucky Draw figure (after Gold Prime and Silver Bumblebee) which will was a
gold chrome deluxe Megatron figure.
Much like the Optimus Prime before him, the figure was officially limited to 1000
pieces with the prize campaign this time running between
1st November 2010 and the 16th Jan 2011.
We managed to acquire one of the figures whilst the draw was still going leading us to expect that the 1104 versions of the
toy were actually produced, I.E. the same number as the Gold Transformers Animated Prime
Transformers Toys, Toy Galleries, Transformers Review, Toy Review, Transformers Toy Galleries, Megatron, Megatron Gold Version, Transformers Animated, , Megatron, Lucky Draw, Transformers Animated, Gold Megatron, Megatron, Lucky Draw, Transformers Animated, Gold Megatron, Megatron, Lucky Draw, Transformers Animated, Gold Megatron, Megatron, Lucky Draw, Transformers Animated, Gold Megatron, Megatron, Lucky Draw, Transformers Animated, Gold Megatron, Megatron, Lucky Draw, Transformers Animated, Gold Megatron, Megatron, Lucky Draw, Transformers Animated, Gold Megatron, Megatron, Lucky Draw, Transformers Animated, Gold Megatron, Megatron, Lucky Draw, Transformers Animated, Gold Megatron, Megatron, Lucky Draw, Transformers Animated, Gold Megatron,
Transformers Animated - Megatron Gold Version - Toy Review
The Lucky Draw Transformers Animated Megatron gold version is very simliar to the Optimus Prime, as you would no doubt have expected, but unlike Prime and, to a greater extent Bumblebee, Megatron does not suffer from the chrome jaming up his Transformation as much. Sure the feet and arms are a little stiff, but because of his transformation TFA
Megatron actually pulls of the chroming without loosing his ability to shift forms. The same can not be said for his cannon though. The gold chrome means that the plastic knob on the blade fits it a little too snuggly and, unless excessive force is applied (which I won't do), you won't be changing his cannon into his sword anytime soon.
Megatron's body even survives the chrome where it is jointed which was quiet a suprise to me. His face also uses the chroming to highlight some of the details that you may have missed on the normal figure.
Box wise, Megatron comes in a plastic case like Prime which helps to hold him in place unlike the cardboard box that Bumblebee is placed in.
The toy will not be officially released for another 12 days, and at the time of writing I believe two of this figures have appeared on ebay (neither were this figure) which is significantly less than the number of Gold Primes that were
leaked out before that figure was released.
Review written by: quartz - Review written on: Tuesday 4th of January 2011 22:10:00
Other Transformers toys and figures called Megatron.
Stats: The toy "Megatron" has been used on 101 occasions out of a total of 4,032 toys within our database.

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