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Transformers News: Category - "Transformers Convention News"

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Transformers Convention News

The BBC have an article with Gav from Toy-Fu discussing the money they have raised at TFNation and, before it, Auto Assembly within the UK.  Gav was also interviewed by BBC Radio Scotland this morning on the subject. You can read the article at You can support Toy-Fu this coming week end at TFNation,  tickets are availble now at

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 7th August 2024 at 10:01:19 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

TFNation have announced their latest guest for TFNation 2023 next August as Steve White! You can read the full press release below.

TFNation is honoured to announce that Steve White, one of the forces behind Titan UK’s Transformers Magazine, and colourist from the Marvel UK era, will be joining us in the summer of 2023!


White is an editor and colourist in his most prominent roles, and Transformers Magazine (the whole seven year run) aside, he was the colourist for the first appearance of Death’s Head back in Transformers (UK) #113-114 and several issues since.


Older readers may also know him from the 1990s Rogue Trooper series from 2000AD, and the curation of the collected volumes of paleoart, Dinosaur Art, Dinosaur Art II and Mesozoic Art(Titan Books).


Steve White will be joining us for TFNation 2023, ready to tell all about gritty post-apocalyptic futures and lush dino-utopias. Stay tuned for more details on the TFNation website -- where All Are One!

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 21st December 2022 at 21:43:41 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News
Following on from Auto Assembly 2005 yesterday here's a very short, extremely low quality, 240p is the best it can do, brief video from Transforce 2004 which was the Transformers convention that took place in Mitcham Leisure Centre in August 2004.
The video is just over a minute & was taken when I "walked the queue" prior to doors opening.
It was the 1st Transforce for 2 years & 2nd most attendee European Transformers convention at the time (329). Transforce '02 (400attendees) and jAuto Assembly 2004 (320 attendees).
Simon Furman, Andrew Wildman and Geoff Anderson were all guests, for the event but unknown to most attendees Anne Bryant, who was in the UK at the time, attendee as a walk-in attendee to get see what was happening.
We bought normal tickets for the day but ended up arriving early to help out The Spacebridge Store with set-up which allowed me to record part of the setup in the hall. It was our first event attending as helpers which we continue doing to this day at TFNation.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 17th December 2022 at 10:32:50 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

TFNation have announced that IDW artist Jack Lawrence will be a guest at TFNation 2023 which takes place in August in Birmingham England. You can read the full announcement below.

They said it couldn’t be done, but here at TFNation we are ready to bring you all of your fan-favourite artists, guests, and people involved with Transformers! So please join us in welcoming back artist, nerd, and world-renowned excellent hugger, Jack Lawrence!

Lawrence has been behind the scenes and embedded in Transformers fandom since the early days of the UK scene. He is a staple of the IDW Publishing series, known for his work on Sins of the Wreckers and Lost Light first, then Wreckers: Tread and Circuits and War’s End later. You may also recognise his work on Sonic the Hedgehog, Skylanders, and several covers for IDW licensed series.

Jack Lawrence will be joining us for TFNation 2023, drawing bots, beasts and boys for your viewing pleasure. Stay tuned for more details on the TFNation website -- where All Are One!

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 17th December 2022 at 10:31:36 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Let's go back in time to Auto Assembly 2005 and some grainy footage we recorded from the event. I don't even remember which video camera we had at the time but it was probably still a tape one.

You'll no doubt recognise some of the traders and guests including Neil Kaplan, Simon Furman, Andrew Wildman, Simon Williams, Jason Cardy, The Space-Bridge, Geekology, Xyber Toys and of course the gents running the show Sven Harvey and Simon Plumbe.

The venue no longer exists, the Clarendon Suites but the memories remain.

It was the first year we put on a display at a convention, something that continued through until 2016 when we stopped. Maybe we'll start doing some again. At that event we bought along our Lucky Draw figures along with the lunchtime specials.

By 2009, when we last put on a Lucky Draw display, we needed to hire two large cabinets whereas then we uses two small custom cases which we still have kicking around somewhere

Our photos from the event

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 16th December 2022 at 15:28:57 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

TFNation has announced that John-Paul Bove will be attending their 3 day August Transformers convention here within the UK. You can find the press release below

TFNation 2023 is on the horizon, and it would not be a UK Transformers convention without colourist, writer, and one-man-comic-machine: John-Paul Bove!

Bove has been busy with Transformers comics since the Mosaics fan project, as both writer and colourist. His colouring work can be found in the likes of IDW Publishing’s ReGeneration OneDrift – Empire of Stone, and most recently, Shattered Glass –  he was also in charge of recolouring all the UK strips for the Definitive G1 Collection for Hachette as well as being one of the artists involved in creating the Royal Mail Transformers postage stamps.

John-Paul Bove will be joining us for TFNation 2023, stamping his seal of approval on all your colouring needs. Stay tuned for more details on the TFNation website -- where All Are One!

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 14th December 2022 at 15:50:43 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

TFNation have announed that their trader tables for TFNation 2023 are now open. You can read the full press release below.

With tickets for TFNation 2023 scheduled to go on sale at 12:00 midday (GMT) on Saturday 3rd December 2022,  the time has now come for us to address some of the most incredible people in our community - the TFNation Forge artists and Traders!

Forge and Trader stall applications will also open at 12:00 midday (GMT) on Saturday 3rd December 2022 - as has been the case in the past, this will be an application process, so you won't have to pay for your tables tomorrow; we will contact you later, if your application is approved, to arrange payment.

As a small business ourselves, we know all too well how difficult recent times have been for our Traders and Forge artists. We've therefore taken the decision to extend our price freeze for another year; we won't be able to do this forever, but we wanted to make an effort to show our support for you.

Trader Pricing

Trader spaces are sold in blocks. One block measures approximately 3.05m x 1.83m (10ft x 6ft) and contains three tables each typically measuring 1.8m x 0.76m (6ft x 2½ ft). Standard setup is two tables at the back and one at the front, with a walkway between, but you are free to arrange your tables as you wish within the allocated space. (The final hall layout will be confirmed at a later date).

Additional blocks come at a reduced rate and include three additional tables (per block).

Please note – unfortunately we are unable to guarantee power will be supplied to all of the tables.

  • 6ft by 10 ft (includes 3 tables, 2 Trader tickets*) - £200
  • 12ft by 10ft (includes 6 tables, 2 Trader tickets) - £350
  • 18ft by 10ft (includes 9 tables, 3 Trader tickets) - £500
  • 24ft by 10ft (includes 12 tables, 4 Trader tickets) - £630
  • 30ft by 10ft (includes 15 tables, 5 Trader tickets) - £760
  • 36ft by 10ft (includes 18 tables, 6 Trader tickets) - £870
  • 42ft by 10ft (includes 21 tables, 7 Trader tickets) - £980
  • 48ft by 10ft (includes 24 tables, 8 Trader tickets) - £1070

*A Trader ticket includes;

- Access to the Saturday Programme (including early access for setup).
- Access to Clubcon.
- Access to the Sunday Programme.

The Trader application form will be activated tomorrow morning and will be found here.

Forge Pricing

Forge tables consist of one table typically measuring 1.52m x 0.76m (5ft x 2½ ft) priced at £150.00, inclusive of one Forge ticket**. A Forge table may be shared by up to three Forge artists (who must be pre-registered with us), however the additional artists will need to purchase the appropriate convention ticket(s) for the day(s) they wish to share your table.**

**A Forge ticket includes;

- Access to the Saturday Programme.
- Access to Clubcon.
- Access to the Sunday Programme.

Please be aware there are strict rules for Forge Tables, including;

  1. No Official Merchandise.
  2. No Official logos are to appear on any items.
  3. Although customised toys can be sold, all figures must be modified. (Otherwise you will need to buy a regular Trader Block).

The Forge application form will be activated tomorrow and will be found here.


Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 2nd December 2022 at 15:50:43 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

TFNation have announed their initial schedule for the 3-day August convention in 2023. You can read the full press release below.

Dear TFNationals,

As we move towards this weekend's ticket sales, we've decided to give you a little further information about our August convention in the form of Phase 1 of our TFN2023 Schedule!

This initial schedule is designed to let you know all the important opening and closing times so you can plan your visit. We've also added a few cheeky panels, to give you something to look forward to! Check back regularly as more panels will be added as we move towards the convention!

Remember, tickets will be released for sale at 12:00 (GMT) on Saturday 3rd December 2022 only on - be sure to check your passwords in advance to avoid any disappointment! (Bedroom sales will be early next year)

Till All are One!

TFN Crew

(All TFNation Guests appear subject to professional commitments. Panels are subject to change)

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Thursday, 1st December 2022 at 15:50:43 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

TFNation have announced their initial schedule for the 3-day August convention in 2023. You can read the full press release below.


- TFNation 2023 tickets will be available for purchase at 12:00 Midday (GMT) on Saturday 3rd December 2022.
- TFNation has secured discount rate rooms at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel.
- Discount rate bedroom will be available for purchase at 12:00 Midday (GMT) on Saturday 4th March 2023.


Whether you're a returning TFNational, or a first-time convention-goer, we know hotel accommodation is an important part of your TFN planning. This year will be a little different to previous years, so please take a moment to read this post, which we hope will be helpful for you.



The bedroom rates offered to us slightly increase in price each year, to account for things like inflation and hotel running costs. This year the price change will be larger, partly because of price rises we are all facing, and partly to reflect the fact that TFNation's previous hotel rates were all negotiated as far back as 2018/2019. 

With that in mind, the Hilton Birmingham Metropole has offered the following discounted rates to TFNation 2023 ticket holders;

£100.00 per night - Single bedroom (for single occupancy), including breakfast.

£120.00 per night - Double bedroom (for single occupancy), including breakfast.

£150.00 per night - Double or Twin bedroom (for double occupancy), including breakfast.

£170.00 per night - Family bedroom (for two adults and two children), including breakfast.

These rates are higher than those you've paid in the past - there's no sugar coating that, but we hope they will still work for many of you.

In truth, part of the reason why we delayed announcing TFNation 2023 for so long is because we've been working together with the Hilton to put together a package which we think will still work for our attendees in this new post-pandemic era for the hospitality industry. For example, most hotels and events are now moving into a world where breakfasts are paid on top of the room price; for now at least, we're pleased to confirm we've saved your bacon (and, suitably-cherished, meat-free alternatives). We appreciate costs have risen, but compared to public prices, we feel these rates still represent a good deal for TFNationals who want to stay on site.

 (All prices are correct at the time of writing. All prices are quoted inclusive of VAT)


To give you a little time to plan, and to enjoy your robot-filled holidays, TFNation's discount rate bedrooms will be available for purchase at 12:00 Midday (GMT) on Saturday 4th March 2023. We will make another post closer to the time to let ticket holders know how to book their rooms.

For Traders and Forge Stall Holders (who have paid their invoices) we will email you separately with instructions for booking your bedrooms in due course, as the process is a little different for you.


You will need to pay a deposit at the time of booking, equivalent to the price of one night in your room (this will then be counted towards the full price you will need to pay, at the hotel). 

The deposit will be non-refundable and non-transferable, so it's important that you only book a room if you are confident you will make the event. 

You will not need to pay for the rest of your stay until you are at the hotel; if you have a credit card, you will not need to pay until check out. If you do not have a credit card, you will need to pay at check in.


On Saturday 4th March 2023 we will add a button to your account page, will which allow you to access the new booking portal. We'll also make another post before then, just to remind you.

It's really important that you please check your password first as you will need to log in with the same account you used to buy your TFNation 2023 tickets - if you create a new account instead, the system won't know you've bought tickets, so it won't give you access to the booking portal.


Over the years, we know many of you have decided to extend your stay at the hotel, be that to assist with your travel plans or just so you can soak up a little more of the TFN spirit. Naturally, we love this, but it is important to remember that TFNation is a three day event; this means it is fully down to the hotel's discretion as to whether or not the discount rate can be extended to other nights - in turn, that usually comes down to which events are running either side of TFNation.


Sadly not. You must first buy a ticket to qualify to use the bedroom portal, but once you're in, bedrooms are sold subject to availability.

Each year we remind our attendees that even though the Metropole is the UK's largest events hotel outside of London, there are more than twice as many TFNationals as there are bedrooms. That means even before we factor in other events and members of the public, it is sadly not possible to guarantee everybody a room.

This year in particular, with a first ever UK convention appearance for Susan Blu, we anticipate bedrooms will sell out very quickly, so we encourage you to have your plans ready as early as you can.


The Hilton computer is smart, but it's no Teletraan-1. Think of it like a game of connect four (or, more likely three, for most people). If you want a room for three nights, and ALL three nights are available, then the computer will be happy and you'll get your room. But if ANY one of those three nights is not available, you'll get an error message. 

The trick is to start small. Try one day at a time. By process of elimination, you'll see which day is the culprit! Book the nights you can - remember, you've got until August to fill any gaps and rooms do free up as people change their plans.


This is unlikely - it has happened, but it's not really something we can bank on as it's dependant on how other events sell. 

What does often happen, however, is people tend to cancel their bookings in the first few weeks (probably when they realise their friend has also booked a room and they can share). So keep checking back, because if somebody drops out, you might get lucky and grab that room! You can keep checking right up until the weekend of the convention.


Residents parking at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole is £12.00 per night, with an increased day rate for non-residents. Additional parking is also available at the nearby NEC and Resorts World, though we would encourage you to check the rates before you travel.


If you're not lucky enough to grab your preferred room at the Hilton, don't panic! You can still have a fantastic time visiting TFNation! The NEC area has lots of hotels within a short distance of the convention, including the new Hilton Garden Inn on the doorstep of the airport. We'll also have some alternative hotel information on our website.

Pro-tip! Hotels usually reserve some rooms for public sale. So join Hilton Honors as a backup (it's free!).  Just remember to check the terms of any rooms you book, as they may be different to the TFNation deal.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Sunday, 23rd October 2022 at 15:50:43 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

TFNation have announced the huge news that Su Blue will be their headline guest for TFNation  2023, the 3-day Transfomers convention that takes place in Birmingham England each August! You can read the full press release below.


- G1 Arcee Actor and Transformers Voice Director, Susan Blu, is coming to TFNation 2023!
- Autograph opportunity included within your regular ticket price, though demand may exceed available time.
- Optional Legend Pass available, to guarantee a signing slot, photograph and more.
- All ticket sales starting 3rd December 2022.
- Bedroom announcement to follow, with bedroom sales from early 2023.


We're delighted to announce renowned voice actor and director Susan Blu will be joining us at TFNation 2023 for her first ever UK convention appearance!

Susan first became known to Transformers fans when she was cast as the forceful female Autobot, Arcee, in 1986's The Transformers: The Movie. She would continue to portray the character in seasons three and four of the original cartoon, as well as voicing numerous other characters, most notably Earth Defence Command Officer Marissa Faireborn. Susan would return to the role of Arcee after 21 years for the fan-favourite series, Transformers: Animated.

Though TFNationals will remember her most fondly as Arcee, Susan is an accomplished actor with many memorable roles under her belt, including Stormer and Lindsay Pierce from Jem, Galadria from Visionaries, Buttons from My Little Pony and Granny Smurf from The Smurfs! In the world of the Cybertronians her additional roles include Transmutate from Beast Wars and Flareup from Transformers: Animated. If you're made of sterner stuff, you can see her on screen in Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood!

Acting, however, was only the start of Susan's incredibly successful career. Away from the microphone (but not too far away!) she progressed to numerous roles including Voice Director, Dialogue Director and Casting Director on well-known shows such as Extreme Ghostbusters and the 1987 and 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series.

Following her time on the Sunbow produced Transformers cartoon, Susan went on to work as Voice Director on Beast Wars, Beast Machines and season one of Transformers: Prime. She also worked as Casting Director on Transformers: Animated. If you're a Transformers fan, you've almost certainly enjoyed Susan's incredible contributions over several decades. 

Susan is excited to meet all of you and we know you'll give her an incredibly warm TFNation welcome!

 (Please note: Susan Blu, like all guests, appears at TFNation strictly subject to professional commitments, and all advertised guest lists are subject to change without notice. All panel rooms are subject to capacity limits. Terms and Conditions of sale apply on this small world and all others, Cybertron being no exception) 


We know meeting Susan Blu at TFNation is a real bucket-list item for many of our attendees, so we're thrilled to be able to bring this opportunity to you.

Susan is incredibly friendly and is excited to attend TFNation and meet as many of you as possible; however, it's important for us to manage the situation correctly as we expect Susan to be one of our most popular guests to date.

With our guest’s comfort, the attendee experience, and event logistics in mind, we've decided the best way to proceed is to provide an additional, optional offering for this special event, which we're calling The Legend Pass. You don't need to buy this for a chance of meeting Susan, but The Legend Pass will enable you to secure a guaranteed slot and some extra goodies to mark the occasion. 

The Legend Pass is a new offering for TFNation, so below you'll find a full explanation; we've also written a Legend Pass FAQ and a General TFNation 2023 FAQ which will hopefully answer any questions you may have.  Please read them both carefully to ensure, as Arcee might say… you understand the situation.  

(Limited Edition)
Price: £75.00 

This package includes; 

  • In-person autograph signing in a private function room. 
  • One autograph, on any one item you wish to bring. 
  • A limited-edition piece of TFNation artwork, signed by Susan Blu. (Artwork TBC) 
  • A professional digital photograph with Susan Blu (To be emailed after the event). 
  • Commemorative souvenir ticket and artwork. 

(The Legend Pass must be purchased with the corresponding convention day ticket) 

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Tuesday, 18th October 2022 at 15:50:43 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

We know that a lot of TFNation revolves around toys, too, so we hope you'll join us in welcoming to our 2020 edition someone from the design side of that story: former Hasbro designer, development and product manager, Andy Couzens!

Couzens has been involved in toy design and production since the mid 1970s, working on preschool development for Kiddy Craft. He then moved over to Milton Bradley - the earliest distributor of continental European Transformers toys - and to the new position of Senior Designer and playing a crucial part in the development of childhood staples Playskool and Robotix, whose key features he had a significant hand in designing. As of 1984, with Hasbro acquiring Milton Bradley, Couzens retained his position, and was later promoted to Group Product Manager for research and development in the unfortunately termed Boys Toys section, before becoming Category Development Head of Boys, Girls Toys and Creative Play sections for Hasbro Europe!

How does this relate to our favourite robotic friends? Couzens has been in charge of action figure and toy development for a sizable chunk of their first golden age, and has working knowledge of most of the late 80s through mid 90s in those categories, including Transformers, G.I. Joe, and Action Man. During his time on the franchise, several Japanese releases saw their release in European markets, including the likes of Overlord, the Motorvators, and the Energon figures that North American audiences knew as Powermasters - and what has come to be known as Generation 1.5 among fans and collectors.

Andy Couzens will be attending the convention all weekend, revealing what he can from old toy design lore, discussing bringing Transformers to (plastic) life, and how much the industry has changed during his time! We look forward to welcoming him and all of you to TFNation 2020.  This will be Andy's first ever convention appearance.

Stay tuned for more updates!

If you want to ensure you receive all announcements, join our mailing list at

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 24th January 2020 at 18:09:50 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

TFNation have announced Peter Cullen as their latest guest for TFNation 2020! Read the press release here and the FAQs here.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 23rd November 2019 at 18:36:36 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

For the eleventh time C.O.N.S. will open its doors for you!

On 8th of September 2019 C.O.N.S. will open its doors in Kolpinghaus/Josefshaus, Ostring 33, in 41749 Viersen-Süchteln at 11 am.

There will be many dealers selling various Transformers from old to new. In addition we prepared a fun program for you and we will hold various contests live at C.O.N.S. with the chance to win some awesome prices.

All information and ticket presale can be found at


The special guests:

We introduce to you our Special Guest for C.O.N.S. XI. This year Frederic Pham Chuong, from france, makes his return to C.O.N.S. Currently he works for 3rd Party Company Mastermind Creations as comic artist.

Jack Lawrence will make a return to germany for C.O.N.S. XI. The lovely comic book artist from england always brings good mood with him. You can see him live, ask about his work and have your favorite character drawn by him.


On 8th of september 2019 one man must not be missed. John-Paul Bove will return to C.O.N.S. for the sixth time. By now he has become part of C.O.N.S. family and we are really looking forward to welcoming him again. He always is looking forward to meet his fans and will answer all their questions. Also you can purchase his works at C.O.N.S. XI.


The contests:

You like playing cards? You like playing the new Transformers Trading Card Game? Than C.O.N.S. XI on 8th of September 2019 is the right place for you. Not only can you get starter decks at C.O.N.S. you can also play the game at our convention. Tables will be set aside for everyone interested in trying the game or simply playing a few rounds with his friends and new opponents.

We hope you will have a lot of fun playing the Transformers Trading Card at C.O.N.S. XI.


The popular Cosplay Contest may not be missing.


Each visitor of C.O.N.S. XI can participate in our Transformers Quiz.


The Program of C.O.N.S. XI:

10:30 am - Admittance for the participants of the Cosplay Contest

11:00 am - General admittance

11:15 am - Official welcome

11:30 am - Cosplayers model show on stage

12:00 pm - Comic Artists Frederic Pham Chuong, John-Paul Bove & Jack Lawrence Presentation & Interview

01:30 pm - Teutonicons Podcast Live on the C.O.N.S.

02:00 pm - 1st Raffle

03:00 pm - Live Review with Reyjin on stage

04:00 pm - Transformers Quiz sheet turn-in

04:15 pm - End of voting for the Contests

04:45 pm - Announcement of the Contest Winners

05:00 pm - 2nd Raffle & Grand Price raffling

06:00 pm - Thank Yous & Goodbyes


At C.O.N.S. XI we have many dealers for you in store offering a huge variety of Transformers from old to new. Including of course our sponsors Actionfiguren24, Gerrut Camaro and TF Robots. In addition there are Bram Bossers, Thats Cult, Ying Zhu the jewellery dealer, the team of Velsercon and Transformers Universe with our announcer Philister. That is not all by far. There is still TeleToys from the Netherlands and many more Transformers Dealers.

We are looking forward to the 8th of September and hope to great many guests to C.O.N.S. XI.

Source and all Infos: &


C-O-N-S-XI-Flyer C-O-N-S-XI-Flyer-English C-O-N-S-XI-Transformers-TCG C-O-N-S-Cosplay-Contest C-O-N-S-TF-Quiz C-O-N-S-XI-Teaser

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 14th August 2019 at 10:01:31 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

C.O.N.S. X ! The Anniversary !

The 10 year anniversary of the German Transformers Fan Convention will be on 2nd of september 2018.

C.O.N.S. X will be opening at 11 pm and will start full speed ahead. And who wants to join us can now preorder his ticket for C.O.N.S. X at Kolpinghaus/Josefshaus in Viersen-Süchteln at Ostring 33. On our homepage you will find all new information as well as our ticket hotline.

Of course the popular cosplay contest will be held for the 10th anniversary of C.O.N.S. Each visitor of C.O.N.S. X can participate in our Transformers Quiz.

At our ten year anniversay of C.O.N.S. we have many dealers for you in store offering a huge variety of Transformers from old to new. Including of course our sponsors Actionfiguren24, Gerrut Camaro and TF Robots. In addition there are Bram Bossers, Thats Cult, Ying Zhu the jewellery dealer, the team of Verlsercon from the Netherlands and Transformers Universe with our announcer Philister. That is not all by far. There is still TeleToys from the Netherlands and many more Transformers Dealers.

IDW Artist Jack Lawrence will make a return to C.O.N.S. He still works on IDW's Transfomers Lost Light and surely will have lots of news about the book.

And one guest must not be missing. One man who has become like inventory of C.O.N.S. We are talking about none other than IDW Colorist John-Paul Bove!

Our sponsor Actionfiguren24 will donate the main price to our raffle of C.O.N.S. X at 2nd of September 2018. It is Planet X - PX- 11 Set A plus B.

You always wonderd how to make a cosplay? You want to know which material to use? Or which cosplay suits you best?

All these questions and many more will be answered on the 2nd of september 2018 at C.O.N.S. X. In a small workshop about cosplay "Chaoszrael" will show you how it's done and answer you questions. She will show you how to find a cosplay, first steps in creating a cosplay, which tools to use and how to make a finished cosplay.

Be there and learn how to make your own cosplay on 2nd of september 2018.

C.O.N.S. X - The Program:

10:30 am - Admittance for the participants of the Cosplay Contest

11:00 am - General admittance

11:15 am - Official welcome

11:30 am - Cosplayers model show on stage

12:00 pm - Chaozrael´s Cosplay Workshop

12:30 pm - IDW Artists John-Paul Bove & Jack Lawrence Presentation & Interview

01:30 pm - Teutonicons Podcast Live on the C.O.N.S.

02:00 pm - 1st Raffle

03:00 pm - Live Review with Reyjin on stage

04:00 pm - Transformers Quiz sheet turn-in

04:15 pm - End of voting for the Contests

04:45 pm - Announcement of the Contest Winners

05:00 pm - 2nd Raffle & Star Price raffling

06:00 pm - Thank Yous & Goodbyes

We are looking forward to greeting everyone at C.O.N.S. X and hope that our visitors will be able to make a good haul.

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Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 15th August 2018 at 11:22:08 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Whilst neither of us could make SDCC 2018 we wanted to link you to those all important galleries showing various toys and figures from the event so lets get started.

TFW2005 Coverage


Wal*Mart G1 Reissue

MPM Ironhide

Generations / Power of the Primes 2018

Studio Series Starscream

Bumblebee Movie Coverage

War for Cybertron

Bumblebee Movie Merch


Wal*Mart G1 Reissues

MPM Ironhide


Power of the Primes

Bumblebee Movie


ToyArk - General toys

SDCC 2018 Gallery – Storm Mortal Kombat, Tekken 7, Street Fighter, Injustice, and King of Fighters
SDCC 2018 Gallery – McFarlane Toys Strangers Things, Star Trek, Destiny and More
SDCC 2018 Gallery – King Kong, Mez Itz and More
SDCC 2018 Gallery – Mezco One:12 The Warriors, Marvel, DC and More
SDCC 2018 Gallery – DC Collectibles Action Figures
SDCC 2018 Gallery – Mondo Statues, Mondoids, Games and More
SDCC 2018 Gallery – Mondo Figures – MOTU, God of War, Batman, TMNT and More
SDCC 2018 Gallery – Mondo Figures – MOTU, God of War, Batman, TMNT and More
SDCC 2018 – NECA God of War, Crash and More Video Game Figures
SDCC 2018 – NECA TMNT, Laika, and More SDCC 2018 – NECA Mego Style – Golden Girls, Karate Kid, Ace Ventura and More
SDCC 2018 – NECA Godzilla, Terminator, Horror – Halloween Teased
SDCC 2018 – NECA Aliens and Predator Display
SDCC 2018 Gallery – Hasbro Star Wars Preview Night Display
SDCC 2018 Gallery – Hasbro Other Marvel Preview Night Display
SDCC 2018 Gallery – Hasbro Marvel Legends Preview Night Display
SDCC 2018 – DC Collectibles Reveals – Press Release
SDCC 2018 Gallery – Preview Night Dragon Ball North American Tour Event – Bandai, Banpresto and More
SDCC 2018 Gallery – Preview Night Dragon Ball North American Tour Event – SH Figuarts





Toy News International







Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Thursday, 19th July 2018 at 09:26:10 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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Transformers Toy Galleries
Sky Shadow Sky Shadow
Click the link or image above to view the Sky Shadow toy gallery. The gallery contains 14 images of this figure for your viewing pleasure.
Transformers related trademarks filed with the USPTO
Hasbro Inc submitted a trademark application for MARK ONLY with the USPTO on the Wednesday, 30th November -0001. The mark was submitted within the category and currently has as status of .
Transformers Cartoon Series
Transformers Comics
Choose Your Fate Choose Your Fate
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Transformers Videos
Ep 12: Captain Fanzone Ep 12: Captain Fanzone
Captain Fanzone and theh Detroit police department were called into investigate the disappearance of Sari Sumdac. This comic scene features some nice banter between the Captain and a police officer, as well as with Bulkhead. ....
Transformers Conventions and Events
OTFCC 2003 (USA) OTFCC 2003 (USA)
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Transformers Toysheets
US Sheet 1 US Sheet 1
The scans contained within this gallery are taken from our own Transformers toysheet collection. This is the first US Transformers toysheet. ....
Transformers Instructions
Transformers Animated Transformers Animated
The instruction scans contained within this gallery with the watermark were originally from the Chinese TF08 website. They have been added here as a mirror. ....
Transformers At The Moon Members Only
Visit the Portal area of this website for the members only features. To become a member, visit the message board.
Right Now on eBay
Other Websites run by The Mapes Bros
Transformers At The Moon Transformers Prime Transformers Animated Lucky Draw Transformers AFA Graded Transformers The Visionaries .net
About Transformers At The Moon -
Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.

You can use Transformers At The Moon for such things as transformers toys,transformers figures,transformers movie,optimus prime,megatron,bumblebee,unicron,transformers cartoon,transformers comics

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