If you have not made up your mind on if you want to buy the toys or not, then these images may help you decide.
Below you will find a tag cloud of the most popular news story tags. Simply click on the tag to view all associated stories. Tag clouds are not always the most useful output of tagging, and so you can also browse the news stories using our tag index by clicking on the tag index tag below the tag cloud.
From this section you can browser through all of the possible tags that may have been assigned to a news story. The number of stories tagged to each tag appears within brackets after the tag name. E.G Megatron (456) means that 456 news stories have been tagged with the phrase "Megatron". To navigate, simply use the top bar to browse by the first character of the tag phrase.
You can now find a gallery of the Japanese Convention exclusive Transformers Henkei Crystal Convoy figure, a clear-coloured plastic version of the Transformers Classics Convoy toy.
The figure will also be sold via the e-Hobby Shop website, where Part One Ltd were given a few limited copies of the toy to sell to Japanese customers.
Our Transformers Forum, powered by Proboards, is currently offline due to a fire at their facility. They are working on restoring the data to various servers, they had over 100 and we were on their first server, so it may take them a while to get the message board back working.
Hopefully the service will be restored over the next few days.
We have added an additional 15 galleries, and over 440 images, of the BotCon 2008 Shattered Glass Transformers Timeline toys. The new galleries include.
The latest addition to the extensive Transformers toy image gallery featured on the site is the third Transformers Sports Label figure to be released. The toy, who's official name is Convoy Marine Version, is often mislabled by fans and western Transformers websites as Ultra Magnus.
We have added seven new galleries to Transformers At The Moon containing all six members of the original Japanese release of Six Wing, number TF-02. That means that you can now find galleries of the original versions of Six Wing, Six Builder, Six Train, Six Turbo and Six Liner along side their recoloured reissues and the chase variants in our Transformers Toy Gallery section of the website. But here are direct links to the new seven galleries.
We have updated the Transformers Toy Galleries area of the website with galleries for the unreleased Transformers Universe Smokescreen and Jolt figures. Universe Smokescreen is a recolour of the Transformers Armada Hotshot figure using the Generation One Smokescreen colour scheme.
You can discuss the toy over on our message board Saké Comments.
You will now find two new Transformers Encore galleries in our extensive Transformers toy gallery area. The galleries are both limited edition toys, in the form of Black Ironhide and Green Ratchet. We bought two versions of both toys, and will be selling the others as a set on ebay in the next few days.
You will now find 10 new Transformers toy galleries online, along with updates to two other toy galleries.
New Galleries
We've added three new Revoltech galleries as well as updated three of galleries. The new galleries are:
The four updated galleries are
We've uploaded some scans we had on our computer of the 5 UK Transformers Generation Two comics which we downloaded several years ago. I can't remember when, not in the last 4 years, or even where from, but we did make a note on the comments and credits of the people who did the scans.
I hope they don't take offence at our republishing, I was looking to tidy up the folders they were sitting in. We hope you enjoy them.
Not contempt with just updating the large Transformers toys section at Transformers At The Moon, we thought we'd do a few updates to some of the other sections you may not have visited in the past.
Unfortunatley the DNS server our domain register is using is currently unable to process .co.uk domains. This issue is totally out of our hands, but we shall be contacting the company to find out why this keeps happening. In the meantime the TransformersAnimated.com, LuckyDrawTransformers.com and TheVisionaries.net are still functioning.
Just in case you thought two updates this morning were enough, you will now find a further 9 new Transformers toy galleries online, this time the figures are all from the Japanese Exclusive Transformers Galaxy Force Micron Booster 3 set.