Transformers News: Category - "Website Updates"
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You will now find 6 more images of our Transformers collection, low resolution taken on my phone, from when we cleared out out main Transformers cabinet. This was the first time in many years that the cabinet was emptied.
You can see the new images in our November 2007 Transformers Collection gallery.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 23rd November 2007 at 08:45:37 GMT
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Tonights update takes the place of the FA Cup 1st Round football match between one of our local clubs (next town over) which has just been called off. The update includes 24 new Transformers toy image galleries, as well as updates to another 7 toys.
The majority of the site updates focus on the Transformers Armada toyline, with one from Generation One and three from Transformers Micron Legend.
We've also finally fixed the confussion between the Land Military Team members, Bonecrusher, Knock-Out and Wreckage.
Here are all the details covering the 600+ new images.
New Transformers Toy Image Galleries now online
Updated Transformers Toy image galleries
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 19th November 2007 at 21:30:19 GMT
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Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 18th November 2007 at 16:23:10 GMT
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We have corrected the image galleries that were linked to the Japanese Victory series stars, the Brestforce, as they were linking to the Trainbot image galleries. So you can now view the correct galleries for Leozak, Gaihawk, Hellbat, Jaguar, Killbison, Drillhorn and Lio Kaiser.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 18th November 2007 at 13:17:43 GMT
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It's been a while since we did one of these, so I've taken a few images of our Transformers collection. Not everything is included, as you can't see the bits in the Stack and Store boxes, but that is mainly prototypes, testshots, lunchtime specials, McDonalds' toys and Action Master / Micromaster bases. Oh, some Lucky Draw toys also can't be seen.
If you head over to our Transformers Groupshots section of our Miscellaneous Transformers Image gallery, you can see the new pictures in the gallery called November 2007. There are 57 images in total, and you can count the toys if you like :-)
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 15th November 2007 at 21:33:06 GMT
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We have uploaded 81 new images consisting of updates for a few toys and a new Transformers toy gallery. Here are the details.
The new images are due to requests by Madman Entertainment, and lead to an accident with our Black Zarak toy. We, well Dave, broke one of the gold parts on the toy's tale. As the figure now retails for over 4 times what we paid several years ago, we decided we needed to fix it. The work took a little whole but seems to have worked well, with a new gold copper piece replacing the small gold plastic joint.
Although site updates have been rare, I'm planning on taking a few days off soon to kick through some more galleries.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 15th November 2007 at 21:25:18 GMT
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Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 8th November 2007 at 08:32:03 GMT
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Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 28th October 2007 at 20:56:11 GMT
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Happy birthday to us, happy birthday to us, happy birthday Transformers At The Moon, happy birthday to us.
That's right, another year has passed and Transformers At The Moon turns 8 today, so please join us in thanking each and every one of the sites visitors, past and present, corporate or fan, for your support throughout our eight year history.
Formed in the last millennium, on October 26th 1999, Transformers At The Moon is the combined creative work of two brothers, who spend countless hours a week maintaining and updating the website to bring you the lastest Transformers news, Trademark information (exclusively) and an unrivaled amount of Transformers toy galleries (with over 90% from our own collection).
Back when we first started, the website was coded in pure HTML using Frontpage Express. This later changed to Frontpage 2000 and then onto Dreamweaver Express, whilst undergoing the biggest transformation it had received, being converted into PHP.
The website continued to expand and grow, with the launch of Version 8 of Transformers At The Moon being launched in June 2007 (after 8 months of solid work). The latest version of the site was a complete re-write, from every line of code, through every entry in a new database.
We're not sitting on our laurels though, as we've finally started working (or re-working) on the new integrated message board and members area (which has been missing for a few years).
In the meantime we've relaunched a site (Lucky Draw Transformers), created a new site (Transformers Animated) and are in the process of finishing a contracted website. Our third cartoon based website, The, has worked planned for later this year, into 2008.
We're not the most popular site, in terms of visitors, but we are one of the largest in terms of contents. Despite not living in the US, we can still report news for the first time, and often find news from the Far East before anyone else does, something which pleases, yet surprises even us.
I could sit here all day and write an article about what you can find at Transformers At The Moon and not struggle for contents, but I won't bore you any longer. If you have a few seconds free, why not leave a message on our Transformers Forum, with any memories you have experienced over the last eight years ... relating to the site that is.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 26th October 2007 at 08:51:28 BST
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Another milestone has been past by Transformers At The Moon today, as we bring you four new Transformers toy galleries, taking out total Transformers toy galleries to a whopping 1,900!
The new galleries feature the latest four Transformers toys which we bought this week from our local Woolworths, and consist of:-
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 25th October 2007 at 22:05:59 BST
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With only a week to go before the 8th anniversary of Transformers At The Moon, we're getting even closer to our 1,900th Transformers toy gallery in our
Transformers Toy Gallery area.
There are 467 new images for you to look at in 11 new Transformers toy galleries, along with 7 updated galleries, as we finish of our Transformers Alternators and Binaltech collection, as well as focusing on some Japanese Transformers.
The new galleries are: -
The updated galleries are some of our favorite Japanese re-molds / re-coloured toys, the Dinoforce.
This takes us to 1,896 Transformers toy galleries, featuring 30,591 photographs. Don't forget there are lots of our Transformers toy and merchandise images in our
Transformers Miscellaneous Galleries area as well.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 21st October 2007 at 22:15:20 BST
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I've corrected the bug with the Transformers Robots in Disguise Dredwind and Smokejumper toy galleries. You can now find various images of these toys in their associated toy galleries.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 14th October 2007 at 20:57:41 BST
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A little update for you today, in the form of photographs of the Unreleased Generation Two Megatron and Starscream ATB toys.
Included are comparisons with our five other versions of this mold, from Generation Two, Beast Wars II, Robots in Disguise, Robot Masters and Beast Wars II Testshot.
So have a look at Megatron ATB and Starscream, to see the colouring, mold and sticker differences between them and the Beast Wars II BB and Starscream figures which you may not have realised that there were.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 13th October 2007 at 21:50:42 BST
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We have updated our Generation Two Groove gallery, removing the mirrored images from previous ebay auctions, to now include images of the Unreleased Generation Two Groove toy which we own.
Groove joins Streetwise, Blades and our two BotCon Breakdowns (along with the Arialbots) as part of our Generation Two Combiner collection.
In addition to that gallery, you can also find Preview Galleries for the Unreleased Generation Two Megatron ATB and Unreleased Starscream toys. These galleries feature a sneak peek at one of our favorite molds, which we now own every different version of (including a testshot). Full galleries of both toys, with comparisons to G2 Dreadwing / Smokescreen, BW2 BB / Starscream, RID Dreadwing / Smokejumper, Sky Blue Testshot of RID Dreadwing / Smokejumper and Robot Master Gigant Bomb / Smoke Sniper.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 11th October 2007 at 22:04:57 BST
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We've bought 12 new Transformers toys over the last week, one of which is the Japanese Beast Wars Re-issue figure Bolfang. Bolfang is the (so far) only new character in the Japanese Beast Wars re-issue line, and only the third Japanese exclusive Beast Wars charcter (after Shadow Panther and Jaguar / Ravage). Note: This excludes Beast Wars II and Neo.
The toy is a recoloured version of Wolfang (known as Howlinger in Japan) and features far more detail than any other version of that mold.
You can find 81 new images of the Bolfang toy, including comparisons with Howlinger and K-9, in our exclusive Transformers toy image gallery.
Category: Website Updates
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 6th October 2007 at 17:00:30 BST
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