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It brings me great pleasure to be able to kick off what should be an exciting Spring and Summer to visitor of Transformers At The Moon with three new Transformers Toys image galleries. Being a European based website we felt that it would only be fitting to kick off our "Summer Special" as the Transformers community builds towards the release of Transformers: Dark of the Moon by adding three galleries of European exclusive figures.
First up, we have added an image gallery of Motorvator Gripper. This image gallery contains comparison images to Brainmaster Blacker as well images showing him combined with both Braver and Laster.
The second and third galleries are of something a little special and yet also related to the Motorvator Gripper gallery. What are they? Well they are image galleries of a paint-sample of Motorvator Flame and an image gallery of a paint-sample of Motorvator Lightspeed! What is a paint-sample, you may be asking yourself, well when Hasbro decide to recolour a figure with a different colour scheme, hand-paint a mock-up version using the existing figures mold. In this case Hasbro Europe took the Japanese Brainmaster figures Braver and Laster and hand-painted them into the proposed colour schemes for their European releases. We picked up these figures from the head of Hasbro Europe who was also responsible for presenting these toys to the heads of the individual European territories at the time. The figures had not been transformed since that presentation until we bought them, which meant that they are very stiff.
The image galleries of these unique figures include comparisons with their Japanese counter-parts but not their final European release, as we do not own those yet. These figures are from an import period in the history of the Transformers line, as it was a time that support for Transformers had dried up within the US, but it was the lines popularity both within Europe and Japan that kept Transformers going and would eventually lead on the release of Generation 2.
It's days like this when being the administrator of this site means that it
is my sad duty to bring you some very sad news. I received an email this
afternoon from Galvy's wife informing me that her husband passed away
suddenly on the 4th January.
Galvy was a long time member of this
community first joining the message board on the 11th March 2003 and
was one of our more active members since the board moved away from
Proboards in 2008.
Once again, on behalf of this website and its members, I would like to publicly pass on all our condolences to Galvy's family at this time. Galvy was a valued member of this community who's posts would often bring a smile to my face and he will very much be missed.
I have created a topic on the message board where members can post their messages of condolence if they wish.
Steve aka Quartz
I have updated the Transformers Toy Gallery section of the website to contain a new gallery of one of the Family Mart campaign figures that was released in Japan last year. The gallery is of the clear leader class Optimus Prime figure from the Transformers Revenge (Revenge of the Fallen) toyline. We bought the figure last year as apart of a bulk auction that included 95% of the Family Mart Prizes, only we did not get around to photographing this figure until yesterday. Its a bit of a sad tale for this toy really, that was opened, transformed, and then put in a cupboard for a few months even though we planned on keeping him in his box on a shelf with the rest of the Movieverse figures as as well as taking the gallery yesterday he has now joined his "brothers" rather than hi-jacking the Masterpiece shelf.
Anyway, I digress, you can check out the image gallery of this limited edition toy here. Enjoy!
As part of our recent "rare toy" image gallery updates which have included Bumblebee Silver Version and Megatron Gold Version we thought it was time to turn back the block and bring you another image gallery update of one of our rarer figures from the 1990s. Generation 2 LazerCycle Soundwave. For those that don't know, Soundwave was due to be released as a recoloured LazerCycles Road pig along side Lazer Cycle Jazz but the G2 toyline was cancelled. No one is quite sure how many of these toys were produced, originally it was rumoured that there was only 15 of them, but that has since been disproved and it is generally considered that since carded versions were produced that a reasonable production run was actually made. That being said, these figures are still pretty difficult to track down, perhaps as they are not as sort-after as the Stunticons and Protectobots who are arguably the most sort after of the unreleased Generation Two items.
I'd like to take this time to wish all of the sites visitors, who celebrate it, a very Merry Christmas. I hope you all have a wonderful time.
I'd also like to urge everyone to be extra careful when out and about over the next week as this time of year is notorious for accidents and there is still a lot of ice and snow around the country but most of all, I urge everyone to have fun.
Its Friday and the fifth and final day of Transformers Alternity Week here at Transformers At The Moon. Today we conclude our toy gallery series with a new entry for Alternity Starscream Pearl White version.
Like the other galleries, comparisons with our other Alternity figures are included.
Transformers Alternity week continues at Transformers At The Moon with Transformers Alternity Bumble (Champion Yellow) being the 3rd of the great Transformers Alternity toys to be featured.
Bumble is of cause the Japanese name for Bumblebee, the poular Generation One Transformers character made even more popular with the live action Transformers Movies.
The first of our Transformers Alternity toy galleries has now gone live. The first figure in this gorgeous looking range is Convoy Vibrant Red Version.