Welcome to day 5 of our 17 day commemoration of the website's launch. Today we shall take a look back at the year 2003. Click the headline to read this article in full.
Below you will find a tag cloud of the most popular news story tags. Simply click on the tag to view all associated stories. Tag clouds are not always the most useful output of tagging, and so you can also browse the news stories using our tag index by clicking on the tag index tag below the tag cloud.
From this section you can browser through all of the possible tags that may have been assigned to a news story. The number of stories tagged to each tag appears within brackets after the tag name. E.G Megatron (456) means that 456 news stories have been tagged with the phrase "Megatron". To navigate, simply use the top bar to browse by the first character of the tag phrase.
Welcome to day 5 of our 17 day commemoration of the website's launch. Today we shall take a look back at the year 2003. Click the headline to read this article in full.
Welcome back reader it's day 4 of our 17 day commemoration with 2002 being our focus for this article.
Click the headline to read this article in full as well as seeing a new gallery of the toy we chose to be our spotlight for the year 2002.
Welcome to day 3 of our 17 day commemoration of the 16th year anniversary of Transformers At The Moon being launched. Today we shall look back at 2001 a year most commonly remembered for 9/11.
Click the headline to read this article in full as well as seeing a new gallery of the toy we chose to be our spotlight for the year 2001.
So it's the 13th of October which means that it is day 2 of our 17 day celebration for the forthcoming 16th year anniversary of Transformers At The Moon being launched. The celebration sees us take a look back at the events of year where we will cover what was happening within the Transformers brand, this website, the wider fandom in general as well as which toys we were buying and some general world events. We shall also be holding spotlight gallery focusing on a toy that was released within that calendar year.
Click the headline to read this article in full as well as seeing a new gallery of the toy we chose to be our spotlight for the year 2000.
Over the next 17 days we shall be shall be celebrating the 16 year anniversary of Transformers At The Moon which takes place on the 29th of October. The celebration will see us taking a look at different toys from the 17 calendar years in which the website has been online (1999-2015) (16 years, 17 calendar years). We shall also talk a little about what happened in each of the years, both Transformers brand wise and our personal history with Transformers.
Before we do that though let's first unveil our Toy for the Year 1999 - Beast Wars Transmetal II Dinobot!
Click the headline to read this article in full as well as seeing a nice new gallery of the second Beast Wars Toy of this standout character.
In a quick round-up of the Botcon 2015 exclusives so far the following figures have been announced.
1. Packrat - a recolour of Generations Rattrap, this is "The Thief" character listed on the Botcon website
2. Battletrap - A recolour of Generations Springer, this Decepticon is "The Muscle" as listed on the Botcon website
Below you will find copies of the images and announcement videos thus far for the figures
Battletrap Revealed
Once again we find ourselves in the position of needing to appologise for the lack of website updates both in terms of news stories as well as our continued lack of updated galleries and articles. Whilst it is true that our time spent within and around the Transformers brand has significantly decreased over the last few years due to work, real life and other interests (such as www.thevisionaries.net) we do plan still plan on revamping this website, getting back to bringing you the latest news stories every day as well as regular content updates including the photographing of the rest of our Transformers collection as well as re-photographing many of the figures.
Hi everyone. You may have noticed a recent lack of updates for the last two weeks, that we because we were both in Phuket Thailand taking part in the Asian Cricket Sixes tournament and were unable to update the website with news whilst we were competing. Now that we are back we will look to catch up on the world of Transformers ourselves over the next 24 hours and will start to then bring you more news service as well as more content and a website facelift
We have added a new image gallery of the recently released MP-12G Lambor. The figure if the Masterpiece Generation Two Sideswipe figure which fans have been waiting to be released for around a year so check out the image gallery and we will add a review at a later date.
We have been clearing up after the floods here within the UK which have meant that we have been unable to spend any time on the website, or indeed within the general fan community over the last two weeks. We expect to have everything back to normal by the end of the weekend. We know that we have missed out on reporting the Toy Fair news from the US and we are sorry for that however flood prevention measures were more important to us.
Transformers At The Moon
You mave have noticed a lack of news updates in recent days, well unfortunately this is likely to continue to be the theme for a while, with sporadic updates as we Transformers At The Moon has been directly affected by the UK Flooding with water levels in this area expected to rise further over the coming weeks so access to the internet is going to continue to be limited purely by where we are and helping the local community.
The Huffington Post have posted a social media share onto their Google+ account where they share the 2nd interview that we, the Transformers At The Moon brothers, did with the Google Hangouts show Collectors Hangout. Collectors Hangout now has around 600k followers on Google+ and despite a recent hiatus, is set to return with new episodes very shortly.
You can watch both of the episodes featuring ourselves below.
Transformers At The Moon is proud to be supporting the NotFound project (http://notfound.org) with their initiative to help spread awareness of missing people from Europe. As such we have implemented their custom 404 error page ("Page Not Found").
Now every time you visit a broken link to, or on, our website, rather than seeing our generic error message you will find information on a missing person that maybe, just maybe, you may have some information on.
Once again I would like to apologise for the continued lack of updates to the website with the exception of news stories. This is due to real-life depends limitingthe amount of time either of us have to work on the website. We hope to get back to updating and adding new toy galleries in the coming months but we shall continue to post news stories as and when we can during this busy time.
Hello lovely people, we are back!!
As you may well have noticed, all of our websites including Transformers At The Moon, TransformersAnimated.com, Lucky Draw Transformers, The Visionaries.net, AFA Transformers etc have been offline for the last few days. This was caused by a series of major hardware failure on our hosted dedicated server.
On Thursday the website went offline as the database crashed and could not recover. This crash was caused by the failure of one of the servers disks. As well as the disk failing the RAID card which controlled the disks also failed. This caused corruption to occur within the database. We had some new hardware fitted but any new RAID card could not read either of the disks which were left nor could the old controller rebuild the RAID array with replacement disks.
Our hosting provider said that they would replace all of the damaged hardware but we would loose everything on the server. It was at this time we discovered that our backups of the database had also been corrupted and/or were missing information and had been for some time.
We decided to bring forward the introduction of a new server whihch is something we have been planning for a while but did not have the time to focus on migrating the websites to the new server and also migrate our hosted email solution away to a third party provider to reduce load on the server and save some hassle.
So on Friday, before and after work as well as during lunch, we migrated all of the data and files (well over 100GB) between the two servers as well as synchronising all of the database files and images offline (just over 50GB for a highly compressed backup). The new server was set-up and the database records were recovered after a few attempts and some fun with the old server not being alive enough to actually backup what it had when I did manage to get the database service running again.
This morning I have run a series of tests over our various websites and have redirected the DNS for all of our domains and emails with the exception of the primary transformertoys.co.uk domain which is currently being migrated.
Whilst there is still some minor set-up which is required, you should find that everything on the website is now working, if it is not, then please get in touch with us via email, Facebook, Google Plus or Twitter.
I'd like to apologise for the downtime as we were down far longer than I hoped.
On behalf of my brother and myself I would like to assure everyone that we have not forgotten about this website. It has been a large part of our lives for the past 14 years (the site turns 15 this coming October making it older than many of our visitors!!). We are currently working on completing some other projects but we have a major revamp planned out for the site which I hope to get to over the spring and into the summer.
Thank you to everyone for all the support over the years, the last server hosted the website from 2008 until today, hopefully this one will last as long if not longer.
Steve AKA Quartz